Monday, February 18, 2008

Islam Hadhari Approach Showing Success, Says Fatwa Council Chairman

The Islam Hadhari approach introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has started to show success though it is still at its infancy.

National Fatwa Council Chairman Prof Datuk Abdul Shukor Husin said the most significant was the success in implementing the J-QAF programme in schools and Islamic banking.

"It shows we are on the right track," he told reporters after tabling a working paper entitled "Islam Hadhari Approach: Malaysia as Example" on the third day of the Al-Azhar World Alumni Conference 2008 here today.

In his paper, Shukor who is Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Vice-Chancellor, said the people should not belittle the Islam Hadhari approach by describing it as just a concept without a solid content.

He said Muslims in Malaysia also should discard the fear to accepting it because the approach had increasing gained recognition among Muslims internationally.

Meanwhile, Adviser to the United Arab Emirates President Prof Ali Al-Hashimi said he was amazed with the tolerance attitude of various races in Malaysia.

This, he said, came from the success of the Islam Hadhari concept which gave importance to moderation in life.

He also advised Muslims not judge other people by looking at their appearance without taking into account other factors including their contributions to society.

For example, he said, a woman who does not cover her hair does not necessarily fail to perform her other religious obligations. (Bernama)

***** Islam Hadhari -- panacea for the world's ills? Perhaps a Nobel Peace Prize for Pak Lah? Who knows!
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Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:51 PM GMT+8  
Blogger bayi said...


5:50 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what? Islam in its infancy? I thought it existed long before other religions started, come?

7:43 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow ,Abdullah balls must be shining , sparkling now after all the polishing.

11:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand the National Fatwa Council Chairman's comments. He has to do his licking especially with the GE around.

As for the Adviser to the UAE President, I can only say that he is woefully lacking in education of the history of Malaysia. If he had even bothered to read wikipedia's write up, he will know that tolerance amongst the various races existed than the advent of Islam Hadhari. Malaysia has been unique before all this spin doctoring.

12:56 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Revivalist of an Intellectual Tradition?


4:40 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to find pictures of sexy girls, you do not have to type all those keywords related to porn and sex in Google Image Search. Just type 'Islam Hadari'.

12:21 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction for anonymous 12:21 PM. It should be 'Islam Hadhari' (not the 'h')

12:22 PM GMT+8  

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