MPK Health Director's Resignation - Sign Of Great Lawlessness In Selangor.

Dr Nasruddin’s traumatic experience began when a group of men in a one-tonne lorry waylaid and attacked him as he was leaving his Taman Menegun Indah home for work on Nov 27.
He was attacked with a machete and iron rods and sustained a deep gash to the left side of his head, which required eight stitches, as well as bruises. The lorry had also rammed into Dr Nasruddin’s Naza Citra. The council then deployed enforcement officers to Dr Nasruddin’s house to protect him and his family.
To make matters worse, 10 days later Dr Nasruddin received a phone call telling him to quit his job or risk losing his life. The caller had also threatened to harm his family. It was learnt that Dr Nasruddin handed in his resignation a few days after receiving the phone call on Dec 7. Assurances by top echelon MPK leaders that he would receive due protection could not dissuade Dr Nasruddin from leaving the job. Dr Nasruddin, when contacted, said his decision was personal and declined to comment.
According to an MPK official, Dr Nasruddin’s resignation had been accepted. (TheStar)
***** What has the Selangor Police to say about this state of affairs? The health director of a council is a very important person. Among other duties, through him must pass approvals for most health related projects whether new, ongoing or on annual renewal. As everyone knows, many of these Majlis projects are cash cows and a strict director can put the spanner in the works on greed motivated ventures which ignore health regulations.
If Dr Nasruddin has been so violently attacked and his life and that of his family been threatened it indicates several things. Firstly he must have made some very powerful person or persons extremely unhappy in the performance of his duties. Secondly some powerful person or persons stand to gain tremendously by removing Dr Nasruddin from the post. The returns/income/windfall/fortune to be made by the health director's ouster must indeed be of a very high magnitude for the criminals to have attacked him so ruthlessly and willing to even commit murder. Finally it indicates that law and order at least in this area has broken down and the police must be made to answer for it.
The fact that Dr Nasruddin has resigned despite assurances for his safety indicates the mistrust he has on the MPK as well as the police. Where is the Selangor MB Khir Toyo on this issue? On the side of the director or the criminals?
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Labels: Majlis Mania., Unmitigated Greed.
your commentary reflects your knowledge, your experiences, thinking and mind and that you are ignorant of the realities.You have an agenda! you always do when you post articles!
I dont have to elaborate but a person of a sound mind will know what i mean.
p/s: has it ever crossed your mind that it is not that the Dr dosent trusts the MPk or the police as your last para stated but rather that he dosent want to live that kind of life, being escorted and protected 24 hours a day, everywhere he is, even in his own house. DO YOU WANT TO LIVE THAT WAY?
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