Saddam Hussein's Execution A Public Murder, Says Dr Mahathir

In a strongly-worded statement here Monday, Dr Mahathir said the execution was sanctioned by U.S. president George W. Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair, whom he labelled as war criminals.
He said the sadistic act of broadcasting the execution to the whole world was a travesty of justice and meant to demonstrate the imperial power of the United States and served as a warning to peace loving people that they must either bow to the dictates of the Bush administration or face the consequences of a public lynching.
Dr Mahathir, who is a member of International Committee for the Defence of Saddam, said the former president's lynching was also an insult to all Muslims as it occurred on the Holy Day of Eid when Muslims devote themselves to prayer and forgiveness. " It is all too clear that the war criminal Bush has no sensitivities whatsoever for Muslims on their pilgrimage to Mecca. This barbaric act is a sacrilege," he said.
He said Saddam's entire trial process was a mockery of justice in no less a Kangaroo Court. "Defence counsels were brutally murdered, witnesses threatened and judges removed for being impartial and replaced by puppet judges. Yet, we are told that Iraq was invaded to promote democracy, freedom and justice.
Dr Mahathir, a vocal opponent of the U.S-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 when he was prime minister, said what happened now was that a peaceful country had been turned into a war zone. Over 500,000 children died as a result of economic sanctions, and the latest findings by the medical journal, Lancet revealed that over 650,000 Iraqis had died since the illegal invasion.
He also accused Bush of killing more Iraqis than President Saddam ever did. "If President Saddam Hussein is guilty of war crimes, then the world must find Bush, Blair and John Howard (Australian prime minister) equally guilty and the International Criminal Court cannot but prosecute these war criminals," he said. He said the inaction thus far by the International Criminal Court against Bush, Blair and Howard exposed its double standard when it did not hesitate to prosecute war crimes committed in Darfur, Rwanda and Kosovo.
"If we support human rights and justice, we must condemn this barbaric lynching of Saddam Hussein. There can be no excuse whatsoever for this injustice under any circumstances. Bush and the puppet regime in Iraq have made a mockery of the rule of law," he said. (Bernama)
****** There are many who would agree with the sentiments expressed by Dr Mahathir. "Double standards" the Tun said. "Barbaric lynching of Saddam" he cried out. He has a point when he claimed that a peaceful country had been turned into a war zone. During Saddam's time, many say, that there was stability, relative prosperity and freedom. Women were at liberty to pursue their education and were not shackled by any extreme interpretation of religious law and practice.
Has this hasty execution order given by the authorities in Iraq, under instruction from the Americans, turned Saddam into an icon and martyr who over time may become the rallying point for all Arabs against western imperialism? Should not they have left him to rot in some desolate prison? Of course there was the real fear that if he were kept alive and should the US withdraw as it must and will soon, he could have made a comeback. That would have been politically impossible to accept; not after so many thousands of American lives had been sacrificed. In many ways it was a Catch-22 situation - Saddam, dead or alive would have been equally dangerous.
As for Dr Mahathir's emotional outbursts, do you feel that he is justified in his statements and claims? Should Bush, Blair and Howard be the next ones to go? Should or should not have Saddam been executed? Let us know here.
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Hey, Aren't we one of the few countries left in the world which still HANGS and STRING-UP anyone connected to drugs?
Everyone knows this Grand Ol Man is low enough to use even Sadam's execution as political mileage, c'mon Mahathir, are you running out of ideas already?
Look who's talking !
Has he forgotten what he did to Anwar, a fate worse then death itself ?
No that I care what Mahathir says. But regarding Saddam, he killed loads of people as a warning to others. And here we have the Americans killing him and tens of thousands of Iraqis as a warning to others.
Evil = Saddam & Bush.
At least Dr M has the guts to express his honest views, unlike most Muslim leaders.
I believe most of them shared Dr M's view but are so charlatan and scared to express their true feelings about the execution. No wonder Islamic countries are easily humiliated by America and alikes.
Saddam received what he deserved. The only problem is that is was too quick and not painful enough. Also I thought pay-per-view would have been great
Sorry, but I'll reserve my sympathy for much more deserving people. Whether it was right to execute Saddam Im pretty neutral on that, but I sure ain't sympathetic to him.
Dr.M seems to forget the number of people hanged in Pudu for drug trafficking during his tenure as PM. Of course, Singapore beats us at that. One wonders the %age of those executed were actually big time kingpins & dons...?
The US-British invasion of Iraq was seriously misguided and the subsequent occupation was carried out with criminal incompetence.
But this does not negate the horrific crimes which Saddam Hussein perpetrated against the Iraqi people. May God have Mercy on his soul.
Malaysia has no moral standing to speak on the merits or otherwise of the death penalty.
We execute prisoners regularly, and there's quite a wide variety of offences with a possible death sentence.
By the way Dr. Mahathir is quite an accomplished authority on the process of setting up Kangaroo courts. Just refer back to the Anwar Ibrahim trial records.
There is another side of the story reported on The Times, UK on 1st Jan publication. On page 5, it clearly stated that it is the present Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki call to execute Saddam. It seem US didn't agreed to the date of execution.
In principle, I find myself in agreement with the former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir.
The execution of Saddam, is no victory, it was an act of revenge. In Europe we do not have the death penalty, and why could Saddam not have been tried at The Hague?
Questions also arise as to whether this was to prevent Saddam speaking of those who colluded with him or supported him.
This act was not a victory, it was a defeat, the defeat of reason and compassion. The televising of the act was disgusting. Governments and politicians speak of human dignity, and yet this man, whatever his crimes, was a human being, and a husband and a father, and was allowed no dignity in death.
If we believe in a merciful and compassionate God, we should act with mercy and compassion. Even if we do not believe in God, mercy and compassion are human qualities.
This act overshadows my feelings of celebration of Christmas and New Year. I feel disgusted with the news media for televising this. They could have exercised some sensitivity.
OIC should heve restrained Saddam when it had the time> But no he was allowed to invade Kuawait and that emboldened him to move up the Dictator scale. The courts in our developing countries must play their role and act as check and balance for democractically elected leaders who behave like doctators.
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