Breastfeeding Of Babies By Single Women - A Poser.

"We want the current social structure in which couples marry and have children. But women who are not married and take pills to encourage milk production are causing concern," she told reporters after attending a Hari Raya Aidiladha and sacrificial slaughter of cattle organised by Kepong Wanita Umno, Monday.
The issue of single women breastfeeding adopted babies was raised in Parliament by Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Mashitah Ibrahim recently.
She would seek the opinion of the Health Ministry on the risks such women were facing, she said.
"They may have good intentions, but they must get married first before milking the babies," said Shahrizat.
***** Pardon me for my ignorance, but how much of 'disruption of the social structure' is the enlightened Minister expecting from single mothers who breastfeed? Everyone knows about the many benefits of breast milk and to advice that single mothers deny that to the poor infants because of some vague fear of 'social structure disruption' sounds to me like a very irresponsible thing to do and seems like a heartless attempt to play to the gallery and appease some target group.
Will some paediatrician or a paediatric psychologist(?) advice the Minister before she goes around screaming "social disruption" to prevent babies of single mothers from being breastfed. Those with the knowledge on this topic are encouraged to give their opinion here.
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Labels: Health, Moral Issues
quote: She would seek the opinion of the Health Ministry on the risks such women were facing, she said unquote
Huh! I believe hormones that promote lactation is what these women take. and these are the same hormones produced naturally by mothers who breastfeed their own babies.Does Sharizat believe that these very same hormones would be hazardous to the health of the single adoptive mother?
Or does she believe that an adopted child of a single adoptive mother should be deprived of the benefits of breast milk ? And of the psychological benefits the warmth and nurturing that such an act would bring both to mother and child?
Who is advising Sharizat, I wonder? Disruption of social structure, indeed. Hogwash ! Pshaw! I wonder if religion will make its way into her statements later. That such an act is unnatural, etc etc. Sheesh !
Sharizat must have her breastfeeding info from Uncle Samy ler, inspired by his dire warnings on national tv several years ago:
"Jangen hisap da-da, dade tarak bai-ee untu kesihatan!"
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