Friday, November 03, 2006

Zakaria's Resignation As Councillor Simply Not Enough.

Port Klang state assemblyman Datuk Zakaria Md Deros has finally decided not to continue as Klang municipal councillor.

In a statement released around midnight, Zakaria said his decision not to accept nomination was made following Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's advice yesterday. “I thank the trust given to me in allowing me to serve the council all this while,” said Zakaria, who had served as a councillor in the Klang Municipal Council (MPK) for more than two decades. (The Star)

**** Note that it was not the Royal command or the Menteri Besar's 'advice' that compelled Zak to resign. It was an ultimatum in the guise of advice from the PM that forced the issue. This chap fought tooth and nail to hang on to the post of a mere councillor despite pressure from several powerful quarters. That he is an unrepentant wrongdoer is very apparent. On top of everything else this chap is accused of, now is added the charge of sitting in the Dewan Negara while an undischarged bankrupt.

The list of his misdeeds lengthen by the day and the fact that he is still defiantly strutting around free is a severe indictment of the present government's tidak apa attitude to this type of wrongdoing. In any other country which genuinely believes in the rule of law and its applicability universally, Zakaria and his ilk would either have been shunned like the lepers of yore and kept at several arm's length from the party and the khazanah, or would have been made to cool their heels in prison.

To have been berated to leave the post of a councillor simply won't do. If the government is serious in its claims of upholding justice then he must be made an example of, by depriving him of a seat in the next elections and that announcement must be made now. The ACA must be given a free hand in investigating and prosecuting him to the full extent of the law. If this is done then there is still hope to rein in the other crooks in Umno who are right now making hay while the sun is still shining. A little darkness now and then for potential, wannabe and current crooks is often a good thing.

But I have my doubts. This government doesn't have the wherewithal to maintain a sustained attack on political corruption. It just talks and talks and in the process has given a new dimension to the word gutless. Long gone from its rhetoric is the lofty claim of 'Towering Malay' and 'Melayu Baru.' The charade that the government took us through over the past few years is over. They know that we know that they aren't serious and we trust them no more.

It's sad really. This government had loads and loads of goodwill and potential to have done so much. It threw all that away for expediency. What a waste.


Blogger What A Lulu said...

it's like as they need the Towering Umnoputera to bully and distract everyone to get away with the awfuk, awful things they to.

4:51 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it just sick to have to accept that we have to wait many long years to vote a confirmed paralysed government out of office ? What democracy ? Just let them suck people dry and then do something when we are all dead ?

I prefer an ironman real dictator anytime

6:13 PM GMT+8  

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