Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Penang Taxi Drivers - stubborn, greedy and lawless.

Only 280 taxis or less than 30 per cent of 1,043 taxis operating in this island have their meters calibrated although the deadline for their use is on Aug 1. However, the Federation of Penang Taxi Drivers Associations president, Ismail Din is confident all of them would be ready by the date. "With Puspakom's computerised calibrating facilities, I am confident that all taxi drivers here will adhere to the meter ruling by that date," he said.

Under newly gazetted metered rates for the island, passengers will have to pay RM3 for the first kilometre and 10 sen for every subsequent 150 metres. State Local Government and Traffic Management Committee chairman, Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan, who was also present, said the taxi drivers through the federation had pledged their support for meter-ruling move. He said the police, RTD and the Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board (CVLB) would launch a massive operation to crackdown on taxi drivers who failed to use meters after the deadline.

If those of you reading this are not convinced with the assurances on behalf of taxi drivers, I won't blame you. Today is already the 18th of July. Do we honestly expect this dishonest lot to have a change of heart within the next 13 days? What they are probably banking on is that this non-compliance on a large scale would force the authorities to postpone the deadline initially by a couple of months and then indefinitely, while discussions take place and proposals are considered. Then the whole issue is mothballed till it is revived at some distant future.

We seriously lack an accountability culture. The age-old practices of yesteryear are very much alive and kicking in parts of our country's services and attitudes. These drivers who are so used to charging what they like and choosing destinations will no doubt oppose this move, as any change is initially rejected by those who are comfortable with the old order. The sad part is that the authorities after some initial sabre-rattling usually give in to these people, as they are part of important vote banks for the ruling party. So accountability and customer convenience are sacrificed on the grounds of narrow political considerations.

Anyway, August 1st is just round the corner. Let us see who triumphs - the authorities or the taxi drivers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

2:13 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard from my friends that there were banners been put up along Jalan Tg Tokong divider (maybe at other areas too) informing the public about the meter enforcement on Penang Taxi Drivers from 1st August, 2006. The banners were printed both in English and Bahasa M'sia respectively on both side with other infos as well.

I wanted to picture it today but... now they are no where to be seen! One of my friends told me that later on he saw only the Bahasa version hanging on the posts-only few left.

I suspected the taxi drivers removed them during wee hours of early mornings. Now, the Middle-East tourist already arrived, the 1st thing they removed were the English banners :-P Is ashamed that this happened :-(

1:22 AM GMT+8  
Blogger taxi klia said...


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Or you can easily filled up the reservation form http://klia2taxis.blogspot.com/

3:32 AM GMT+8  

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