Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Mocking Of Umno's 1Malaysia Government Over Allah Issue Has Started

The above picture speaks for itself. We are very quickly becoming the laughing stock of the civilized world, including our own thinking public. Very sad indeed.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Has Dr Mahathir Finally Flipped His Lid?

We know that with advancing age, many people do experience intellectual shortcomings. More often than not we tend to expect and accept these deficiencies as part of the process of life and sympathize with those afflicted with this malady. However if the aging person happens to be a one time world leader who suddenly makes silly pronouncements and downright ridiculous claims, we have to perforce sit up and take notice.

And if that person happens to be Tun Dr Mahathir who reportedly has claimed that the 9/11 attacks in the United States, that killed nearly 3,000, was staged as an excuse to “mount attacks on the Muslim world” we have to seriously consider if the man has taken leave of his senses. The rubbish which he is mouthing is the conspiracy stuff that you'll read on a nutcase's blog in Pakistan or some middle eastern country.

Consider his logic in this statement - “In September 2001, the World Trade Centre was attacked allegedly by terrorists. I am not sure now that Muslim terrorists carried out these attacks. There is strong evidence that the attacks were staged. If they can make Avatar, they can make anything”!!

As if to provide more fodder for others to question his sanity he also states that the creation of the Jewish state was decided after Europeans failed to massacre the community.

Whether these are the words of a madhatter or if it is another deviously planned statement designed for considerable impact on the local population for some political gain remains to be seen.

Read the whole report HERE

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Saturday, January 09, 2010

By Playing Up 'Allah' Issue Umno Has Single-Handedly Ruined All Non-Malay Barisan Parties

As if the MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the other non-Malay component parties of Barisan Nasional didn't have enough of serious problems on their collective plates. Now this latest adventurist strategy by Umno to berjuang demi bangsa, agama dan negara has right royally screwed whatever little progress they were making in the aftermath of the March 2008 electoral rout.

Whatever the merits of the Allah issue, it should have been left to the courts to decide. (Not that we could have expected an earth shattering verdict. Everyone knows that like many other cases, this case too would have gone on appeal after appeal finally to the Federal Court where the same five spineless sickos passing off as learned Supreme Court Justices would have sided with the government). AND the issue would most probably have ended there with the Catholics ordered by the courts to shut up.

But no! Not Umno lah. They have to put their dirty politicking paws into the crap pot and stir it with a frenzy reserved for certifiable loonies. Umno simply could not resist the temptation of sickening posturing and grandstanding purely for some short term political gain. So they sent out the usual trustworthy and reliable lunatics infesting the far right wing of the party who dutifully trooped in to the scene and made a mess of it. The logic behind this move? To appear as the genuine defenders and protectors of the race and faith. Khalwat, corruption and murder not withstanding!

Umno has possibly gained a few extra Malay votes over this dispute. But in the process it has totally devastated the electoral chances and credibility of its non-Malay partners. MCA's Ong Tee Keat could only say "no comments" while there was nary a whimper from the MIC. Gerakan's Koh Tsu Koon was pitifully attempting to placate a Catholic Archbishop while PPP's Kayveas was nowhere to be seen. Not entirely unexpected if you come to think of it. Despite the hammering in the last general elections, Umno still rules the roost in the BN henhouse.

I don't know how this issue will play out over the next few days or weeks but I can confidently say that the opposition, especially PAS, has come out looking stronger because of its measured response and moderate stance. In the long term, Umno and the BN will have to face the consequences and fallout resulting from the shit stirring that Umno has done in this controversy.

Funny isn't it? After fifty years of corruption, cronyism and nepotism, it took Allah to finally bury Umno, the fake defender of bangsa, agama dan negara!

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