Sunday, September 28, 2008

Poll Result: Majority of Chinese, Indians Support Anwar, While Malays Favour Najib. Not Surprising

Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim would make a better prime minister than Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's deputy, Mr Najib Razak, said the Malaysian Insider, citing a poll by Merdeka Centre.

Results of the poll, based on 1,002 people of voting age from the country's three main ethnic communities, showed that 39.3 per cent supported Mr Anwar and 33.8 per cent favoured Mr Najib.

The online newspaper said, according to a Bloomberg report, that a majority of Indians and Chinese supported Mr Anwar while Malays favoured Mr Najib. The poll was conducted from Sept 11 - 22.

Mr Abdullah has delayed a leadership election at the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), and said he will decide in the next two weeks whether to contest the position of party chief. (Straits Times, Singapore)

***** Not a very surprising finding actually. Those who got shafted for the past few decades have placed their trust on hope and change, while those who got spoonfed from cradle to grave have sided with the status quo. So what else is new?

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Blogger ApaKhabar said...

I think that result is good in order to bring the Ketuanan Rakyat.

1:21 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you saying Malays are being spoonfed & they like to be spoonfed, that's why majority of them supported Najib? What a silly simplification of survey results from a merely 1002 sample! Go on dreaming my friend...!

12:35 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, not surprising. Those of us who are still considered as "Pendatang" support DSAI because there is some hope from the PR for us to be finally "recognised" as 100% Malaysian.
Those who support Najib want to keep the "Ketuanan Melayu & NEP (never ending policy)" alive & well!
What this Survey also shows is that the UMNO's "Divide & Rule" policies for the last 51 years is still "alive & strong".
After all these years, Malaysians are still not "Integrated".

9:09 AM GMT+8  
Blogger kopitelp16 said...

Those who favours Anwar wants change while those siding with Najib wants'Ketuanan Melayu' to remain.

Most Malays are still slave to this "Ketuanan" thingy. In order for them to really improve, they must learn to stand on their own feet and ready to compete, rather than hoping for policies after policies to help them.

2:54 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umnoputeras has been on crutches since the first introduction of NEP by PM Razak, they have forgotten how to stand on their own two feet. Umnoputeras lives and thrives on corruption so they will support Najib and want no part of Anwar or any change, with no crutches they will be flat on their arses. What a sad lot of puteras who have become leeches and suckers.

9:40 AM GMT+8  

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