An Aging, Out-Of-Touch-With-Reality Umno Crony Speaks Up For Dr Mahathir
"I am deeply disappointed," he said in a statement Monday.
"I am of the opinion that it is totally improper for a newspaper like the NST to publish such reports as Dr Mahathir has done many good deeds for the people and country," he added.
On page six, the newspaper today published Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's labelling of the former prime minister as an old and confused leader.
It also published, on the same page, Puchong Member of Parliament Gobind Singh Deo accusing Dr Mahathir of damaging the country's democratic process and independence of the judiciary.
Syed Ali said the NST was being unfair in it giving a picture about Dr Mahathir from the perspective of opposition leaders who were known never to see the good deeds done by Barisan Nasional leaders and government.
"I hope the relevant people will take the appropriate action so that no Umno institution will ever be used by the opposition to belittle leaders who have done many good deeds for the people and country.
"We have to respect and appreciate the good deeds of past leaders. When the present leaders are no longer in service, we should also respect and appreciate their good deeds," he said.
He said that from feedback he received, the people especially the Malays could not accept the continuous running down and insult on Dr Mahathir. Such acts would only make them angry towards the government, he added.
"We have to be careful so that we are not being used as a tool to create uneasiness or anger towards the government," he said. (Bernama)
***** So Syed Ali Al-Habshee considers the NST an 'Umno institution'! Interesting. Speaks volumes of how out-of-tune his mental faculties are at the moment. Times have changed and for the NST to persist with the old Umnospeak will only hasten its current marginalisation, confirm its lack of credibility and guarantee its eventual demise. 'Publish the truth or perish' is the only formula for NST's survival and no Umno crony is going to change that now.
I like the part where this idiot says, "the people especially the Malays could not accept the continuous running down and insult on Dr Mahathir"! This is nothing but an oft-used, pathetic trick to give his argument an 'us vs. them' bangsa twist. In real fact a large number of Malays, including some in the highest echelons of government and Umno, are in the forefront of roundly condemning the former PM for his venomous tirades against Pak Lah and his administration.
If Dr Mahathir had conducted himself like a retired statesman instead of pugnaciously putting down the government at every turn, he would have been placed on a pedestal and the many sins he committed while in power would probably have been forgiven and forgotten. But no. He persisted in condemning the PM and the government as if he were still an active politician and therefore he must be prepared to receive as much flak as he is willing to deliver. It is part and parcel of everyday politics and this silly old crony hollering his disapproval and trying to make a federal case out of it, should just jump under the nearest tempurung and take a long, long rest. That's the best patriotic gesture he can make at the moment.
Labels: Dr Mahathir., Intolerance, Media Matters., Nutcases.
Deport this idiot Al-Habshee back to Ethiopia, from where he came, where his ancestors were once African slaves who then converted to islam
Another relic, like mahathir who should be archived...and stored somewhere in no man's land..ah please stop using Malays as your no longer represent the majority of Malays...only umnoputras
BTW, mahathir will be best remembered as our country's destroyer...damages outnumbered good..come on Badawi..set up a comission to investigate mahathir..after all...he was the one who suggested it...
We should allow these idiots to continue to sing thier same stupid songs! Why?
So that they will keep reminding us of what they really are! Stupid, Corrupted, Good-for-nothing Racists!
Then when the 13th GE comes along we will send them into oblivion for good!
Read this from Malaysia today's archive.
I really do not know how many billions were lost through the sillyness of one man?
Truthlover wrote:
Lady Jane, thanks for filling some of the gaps in the story. I am sure you have a lots to contribute - continue to write please.
Daim was the main culprit and TDM, afterall was not as shrewd and smart as others thought. According Lady Jane, TDM was outsmart and outplayed and was led like a cow to the slaughter house. UMNO is now heading towards a destiny of self destruction - corruption, money poltics, ....and Daim has blood on his hand.
07/05 23:04:02
Moot wrote:
Young Peter,
The amount of RM20 billion does not tally. There is absolutely no reason for Umno to deposit its accounts offshore, when Labuan could have done the job. A proxies name was all that was needed. We are talking about a national looting approaching FIVE times that amount.
You forgot to mention that Mahathir secretly signed a deal with Taiwan in the aftermath of the 1997 crisis to sell our Tapis oil for US$18 per barrel in return for a massive loan. Petronas cannot do anything about it now.
I laughed out when you described Tun Mahathir's family as rendered penniles due to Daim. Can you write a piece soon on how they amassed their wealth? Who ultimately benefited from the BMF scandal?
BTW, if you are looking for one gun pointed to Tun Mahathir's head, look to Marina Mahathir's notorious obsession with white males during her early years. TDM can only bring a dubious bed to Anwar's trial, but others had more graphic incriminating evidence
Marina Mahathir was also a champion for the Sisters of Islam - a den for lesbians, man-haters and those on the lookout for the latest white stud.
The Newsweek/homosexual cabal gave a glowing account of Marina here:
08/05 01:47:19
lady Jane wrote:
Dear Moot;
Yes,you are right.On the advise of Daim,Petronas agree to sell our Tapis oil to Taiwan for only US$10 a barrel and not US$18 as stated by you.
08/05 12:24:52
Lady Jane,
I believe the long-term contract allowed a price-range of US$18-20, though it could have been initially been sold at US$10. We will still be selling Tapis at max US$20 by 2020.
Tapis now sells for over US$70 in the open market. By 2020, when adjusted for inflation, that price would approximately be US$180 by some accounts.
The bigger problem is that the Tapis supply is running dry. Taiwan re-exports most of this oil to other nations at full market price.
According to some industry sources, tankers head straight to Singaporean refineries instead of Taiwan.
Mahathir's son was supposed to reap huge profits from the transportation of Petronas Tapis, and here is the link between Petronas and the TDM clan which Peter is referring to.
08/05 18:21:29
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