Plot By Islamic Terrorists To Blow Up Eiffel Tower Foiled

A scrambled short-wave radio conversation exposing the planned attack on the world’s most visited monument was picked up by Portuguese air traffic controllers and passed on to French spy chiefs.
The 1,060 ft high tower has on an average more than 16,000 visitors a day and a successful strike on the iron tower, could cost thousands of lives.
The plot was uncovered in a “vague and muffled’’ radio conversation picked up by air traffic controllers in Lisbon, the Daily Mail reported.
A police source close to France’s DST intelligence agency said, ‘’It was a muffled conversation in Arabic that was passed on to us as a matter of course, but our analysts clearly identified the threat.’’ “Security at the tower was already tight, but is now being stepped up.’’
The plot comes in the wake of other threats made in recent days on the websites linked to Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda terror network, calling for the “brothers of Islam to strike Paris.’’ (DNA)
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Labels: Religious Extremism. Terrorism
Islamic terrorists have only themselves to blame should Christians decide to retaliate and blow up the Kaaba
Sorry, I fully disagree with your statement.
Christanity is not like Islam.
Jesus did not teach vengence.
This shows the world is not out of the threats of Islamic terrorists yet. We just don't know when another large scale massacre of innocent civilians, non-Muslims and Muslim, will happen. All free loving people of the world should unite to support the campaign to combat these terrorists.
the sad thing is that every time such incidents are prevented and reported , the so-called silence of the muslims silent majority are defeaning. Your silence can only means that you condone such actions.
Jesus did not teach vengence - anonymous
No one is saying that he did.
However, even Dr. mahathir has said that in the case of gangrene one has to amputate. Your medical practitioner will advise the same.
So too for the seat of terrorism.
Alternatively a massive earthquake that destroys all there forever might suit your sensitivities.
And Jesus was not a wimp either as illustrated by his actions at the merchants who were chased from the Temple.
Jesus chased them out singly - with no allies. that`s what can be termed as `decisive action`.
The latest in a series of Church Bombings in Iraq just happened 12 hours ago in Kerkook using car bombs, causing devastating damages to the Sacred Heart Cathedral And Mar Evram Assyrian Orthodox Church. And not a word in the Western media.
If it was a mosque, it would've been news in every Western media outlet, but Churches and Christians are disposable not worth mentioning.
You guys have said it all...there in lies the difference between Christanity & Islam.
One teaches Love the other teaches "Death".
Yes, Jesus was no wimp, he cleared the temple by himself. However, he did not preach "killing or retaliating" against Innocents.
No true Christian would blow up the Kaaba!
goddamn Arabs! they like to blow things up & the blame is on us, the Muslims. dear anonymous, it seemed jesus didn't teach you how to spell too.
Adolf Hitler was a christian who took revenge on the Jews for persecuting Jesus to death
Obviously you don't know what you are talking about.
Hitler blamed the Jews for the troubles in Germany & used the Jews as scape goats.
I said True Christian. Obviously Hitler was not that!
This is the first time I've heard that he took revenge on the Jews for persecuting Jesus to death!
Killing innocent people weather Muslims or otherwise is not the answer.
As Gandhi once said "An eye for an eye will make us all blind"!
No true Christian would blow up the Kaaba!
Aw I dunno:
Equally chilling was the prediction that the Christian countries of the world would unite to defeat the followers of Mohammed. The year she said this great battle would begin was the year 2000. This horrible and bloody battle, that would claim the lives of millions, would be ended by a nuclear attack on present day Iran. She predicted a "bomb of great power would fall on a city in Persia." In Bernadette's day, there was no Iran.
It is unlikely this poor and uneducated girl, who could barely read, knew anything about the "followers of Mohammed." Why would she mention them specifically? Is it just coincidence that the world is now trying to prevent Iran, considered by many to be the heart of radical Islam, from getting its own nuclear weapons? Was it just chance that the first shot fired in this war was the taking of American hostages in Iran in the 1970's?
Gandhi is much over hyped:
Gandhiji's thoughts in his 1940 'open letter' to the British:
"I want you to lay down the arms you have as being useless for saving you or humanity. You will invite Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini to take what they want of the countries you call your possessions. Let them take possession of your beautiful island with your many beautiful buildings... If these gentlemen choose to occupy your homes, you will vacate them. If they do not give you free passage out, you will allow yourself, man, woman and child to be slaughtered... I am telling His Excellency the Viceroy that my services are at the disposal of His Majesty's government, should they consider them of any practical use in enhancing my appeal." (From Stanley Wolpert's Jinnah of Pakistan.)
Sri Aurobindo's reaction when he heard this, as recorded in his book India's Rebirth: "He must be a little cracked."
Oh, shut up all of you, you're all a bunch of religious blow hards and its your kind of retarded, blind ignorance that has claimed so many lives over the last 5000 years and for what? So you can claim to be right about something? As far as I'm concerned they ought to take the whole lot of you, Christian and Muslim alike and launch all of your bandwagoning behinds into the sun and let those of us who aren't blind sheep get with on living our lives in peace instead of in pieces.
To the person who claims that Adolf Hitler was christian, no he was not christian. He was into the occult. And those are not the acts of a christian, don't believe me look it up. You apparently don't know history very well.
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