"Avoid Racial Politics," Says Najib. Look Who's Talking!

He said racial politics should be avoided because if practised, it could destroy the nation.
Consensus building practised by the Alliance and later the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition needed to be maintained to prevent disunity among the races, he said.
"We formed the Alliance and later the BN coalition to avoid voting along communal lines in our country. I think we succeeded (in preserving unity) because BN candidates are voted in each time there is a general election.
"God willing, in the upcoming 12th general election, we will continue to succeed because the people understand it's the party that is important, not the candidate," he told reporters after holding a closed-door meeting with representatives from Trengganu Umno Wanita, Youth and Puteri wings and also from its divisions in the state, at the Primula Beach Resort here today.
Also present at the meeting were Terengganu Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh and state leaders of the BN component parties.
Commenting further, Najib, who arrived in Terengganu yesterday for a two-day visit, said he regretted that the opposition resorted to communal politics as this caused disharmony among the races.
That was why the people needed to be constantly reminded on the matter so as to ensure the country continued to enjoy peace, stability and progress, he said.
"The opposition are always trying to play up racial issues. They are not bothered if this causes conflicts among the races, Should conflicts happen they will only try to make matters worse.
"They are fond of "fishing in troubled waters". That is why they don't like to see the country peaceful and stable. We must preserve racial harmony to deny them any chance of harping on communal issues when the election comes," he said.
Najib added that he was confident that the Terengganu BN would be able to meet its target of garnering 66 per cent of the popular vote in the upcoming election. (Bernama)
***** It would be truly wonderful if Najib and his fellow Umno pemimpin actually practised what he is now preaching. Unfortunately that won't happen. The real reason why he is making this fervent appeal 'not to vote on racial lines' is because those non-Malays who have all this while steadfastly supported the BN (even on those occasions when the Malays abandoned the coalition in droves and voted PAS) are now finally fed up with the dirty race politics which has been ardently played by Umno for its own petty gain. Now the leadership is seriously worried if the BN and especially Umno can depend on the usual suckers who voted regularly for them.
For all you know, the non-Malays may not even support the MCA, Gerakan, MIC or any of the other BN parties. I seriously doubt if any of them would vote for Umno. If they feel that the opposition candidate at their constituency is no better, they'd probably stay home on election day.
Many non-Malays feel that they have been double-crossed by the BN. The poor Indians for example have mostly been loyal backers of the government parties and yet they've got shafted big time by Umno after every election. And the non-Malay eunuchs in BN did precious little to either stem Umno's greed or rein in their blatantly racist policies.
The Hindraf rally can be considered as a psychological turning point in Malaysia's dirty race politics, when simple ordinary folks took it upon themselves to voice out what the bloody swines in MIC and the other parties refused to do. By braving the brutality of the Malay dominated police force and the subsequent government-dictated vicious harassment they have given courage to the rest of their fellow citizens that with determination, change for the better can be forced on the racist policies prevailing at the moment. And the first step toward that change is a change in attitude and preferences at the ballot. The outdated opinion that only the BN can maintain stability is a lie and a fairy tale which has been assiduously hyped by Umno and its bootlickers.
Don't vote on racial lines and don't vote for those practising racist policies.
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Labels: Bullshit, Discrimination., Elections, Malaysian Politics., Umnoputras - Blunders And Plunders.
Why is he talking about?? All I know UMNO has been playing racial politics by condoning racial policies, threatening other races,...now he said to avoid it??? Puke.
Piii-raahhh!!!! If it's not racial it's religion...enough is enough! Let's hope a smarter new generation will be wiser this time around with GE ... serve those bastards BN right!
The year: 1987
The place: TPCA Padang
Who said?: "I will bathe the Malay keris in Chinese blood"
Najib Tun Razak, I can hear your distinguished father(May God bless his soul)turning in his grave hearing you speak with forked tongue.
This coming election my vote is going to any animal, plant or mineral that stand against BN!
the Malays have their Bersih , the Indians Hindraf ,
where art thou Chinaman & ladies ?
...now we know thats why Eunuch was invented in China
Haha. Najib oh najib look after your own job. Soon that also won`t be there. SIL is next PM not you.
Our DPM is running scared! The BN is the Party that has always had "clear" Racial divides. Now he is saying the Opposition is bringing up Racial Politics?!
He's also scared of losing because he knows that KJ (AAB's son-in-law) is after his job!
The BN has betrayed our forefathers, betrayed us & it will betray our children!
The time for change is at hand! Let's do a "John Howard" in the next GE. Let's show Malaysia "really" Boleh!
Allah help us!
MIC, MCA & UMno are race-based parties, the DPM has no right to say avoid racial politics.
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