Zainuddin Maidin's Backdoor Attempt To Suppress Chinese And Tamil Languages

In a press statement answering criticisms on the issue, he said Chinese and Indian dramas presented in Bahasa Malaysia could help everyone to better understand and appreciate the cultures that co-exist in the country.
"It could lead to better acceptance of the different ways of life thus promote greater integration among the different races in this diverse country."
He added that using Bahasa Malaysia to explore communal and cultural context would not erode the strength of non-Malay racial and cultural identity.
He also clarified that RTM would not dub over Chinese or Indian drama into Bahasa Malaysia.
Instead, he wanted the Chinese and Indian scriptwriters to simply depict the issues concerning everyday life of their community in the national language.
"I agree that we already have dramas in Bahasa Malaysia that attempt to explore non-Malay issues and feature Chinese, Indian and characters of other races in the plots, but these are still predominantly Malay-centric as they are usually authored by Malays.
"They may not fully appreciate the intricacies of a Chinese or Indian point of view and they may not be able to pick up on issues close to the hearts of these communities." (NST)
***** This is the most impractical solution to promoting multiculturalism on television. A rational and reasonable person not tainted by ulterior racist motives would have probably urged for a more realistic portrayal of the Malaysian scene by ensuring that Malay script writers introduce substantial non-Malay characters in their dramas instead of the present katak dibawah tempurung, by-the-Malay-for-the-Malay productions exclusively catering to a 100% Malay audience.
It will take an exceptionally patient non-Malay to stomach the present sub-standard fare passing off as entertainment in the form of Malay dramas. Zainuddin Maidin now intends to squelch the already insignificant number of dramas that RTM dishes out in Chinese and Tamil. Of course he won't succeed. All that he will achieve is to push more and more of the non-Malays toward the private TV channels and Astro which will welcome them with massive amounts of vernacular programmes.
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Labels: Discrimination., Entertainment, Intolerance, Nutcases., Racism
I have something on this subject in my blog
All the writers of Chinese and Tamil dramas are, I am sure not well versed in Bahasa Malaysia, and their writing days will be over. Then will come the Malay writers, writing Chinese and Tamil dramas and after that Maidin will be satisfied. That's what he wants and he should stop giving excuses to prove his point.
Instead of going for the root(cause), these farkers are just beating the bushes!
Who cares, racialist and untruthful RTM is totoally unfit for a thinking human's consumption anyway.
Just boycott RTM, it is simply the BN propaganda channel.
Repulsive Trashy Moronic
His yet another childish laughable attempt of similarly low grade sandiwaras will get non--Malays snoring yet again...
mamak overdo things becos of a sens of insecurity.
On the other hand, talented directors like Yasmin Ahmad, get glowing commmendations from abroad but snubbed at home for films which are too "sensitive".
malaysia is turning into a suppresive one race supremacy country. feel like living in Israel.
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