Indians Can Judge MIC Through Its Track Record - Samy Vellu. They Have And You've Failed Miserably

Organised by the Federal Territory MIC and dubbed "An Evening with the Prime Minister", the event at the Cheras Badminton Stadium will gather the largest ever number of MIC members at one location in recent times.
"The gathering will pledge support for the Barisan Nasional (BN) and the prime minister. This is the start of a series of such gatherings throughout the country aimed at bolstering the party's strength and support for the BN ahead of the next general election," the MIC chief told Bernama, when contacted.
Carrying the theme "Unity and Solidarity with the BN", the event would set the stage for a more cohesive and coordinated effort to unite the Malaysian Indian community.
Samy Vellu is expected to use the gathering to speak on the need for the country's 1.8 million Indians to continue to lend their support to the ruling BN government and why they should be wary of tactics employed by the opposition parties to hoodwink Malaysian Indians at large.
"Indians can judge the MIC and BN through our track records. They know we are here to help and assist them in uplifting their standing. We have done that all along and we would not abandon our aim," said Samy Vellu, who is also Works Minister.
***** Does MIC require a police permit to 'show support' for the BN and do the police have the guts to refuse them one? Why does Sam want to waste precious funds on a totally pointless gesture? Who is he trying to impress? Wouldn't it be better to spend that money on some badly needed repair work for the many dilapidated structures passing off as Tamil schools?
Sam is also attempting to show that he too can muster a huge crowd like what Hindraf did. But the difference is that Hindraf fought for Indian rights while Semi Value is feverishly fighting for his own political survival. And the best way to ensure that is a little sandiwara here and a huge public relations gathering there, but all absolutely devoid of anything meaningful for the average rock-bottom scraping Indian. Sam has lost the battle and he is terrified that he'll lose the war as well. We can expect more of such meaningless stunts from him in the future.
You can read the rest of Sam's bullshit HERE.
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Labels: Hype, Malaysian Politics.
Any chances old Sammy will be jeered and pelted with mineral water bootles as happened in PISA a couple of months back?
next day after the meeting, the STAR and NST will be the propaganda tool to tell all and sundry all is WELL in MIC. INDIANS SUPPORT BN AND SAMY VELLU.
You have already been judged by your Track Racket!
So what will the 15,000 people do when they have gathered in the hall? Clap hands and sing nursery rhymes? Hindraf had objectives, that is to demand equal justice, and when they were rejected at the doorsteps of the Parliment and Istana Negara, they took it to the streets. So why is 15,000 MIC people gathering for then? Samy what are you trying to prove here? That you too can gather people? Pah !!
Just to let Semi Value & MIC know, our Rukun Negara says "Kesetiaan kepada Raja & Negara" & NOT "kesetiaan kepada PM & BN"!
HINDRAF has dones more for the Indians in this country in the last 3 months than the MIC in the last 30 years!!!!!
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