Malaysia Ends Row Over Dead Woman's Faith After Islamic Officials Retract Claim She Had Converted To Islam

The case of Wong Sau Lan, who died Dec. 30 at the age of 53, marks a small victory for Malaysia's minorities after a series of interfaith disputes, which sowed fears that religious rights of non-Muslims were under threat.
Wong's husband, Ngiam Tee Kong, will now cremate the body in a Christian funeral early next week, said his lawyer, Karpal Singh. He said the Kuala Lumpur High Court ordered the hospital, where Wong's body was kept while the dispute was being resolved in court, to release the body to her husband.
The court order was based on a Jan. 16 letter by Islamic authorities sent to Karpal that said Wong's conversion to Islam on Dec. 24 was not carried out properly, and therefore was not valid, Karpal said. "They've been negligent in saying earlier that she was converted lawfully. This is a serious matter," Karpal told The Associated Press. "They should have investigated first."
Karpal said Ngiam, who has maintained his wife was a Christian at her death, was suing the hospital where Wong died and the Islamic department for damages. The amount has not yet been specified, he said.
It was not clear why the Islamic authorities first claimed Wong's body, alleging she had converted lawfully, but then retracted their claims. Relevant authorities could not immediately be reached.
A national debate over religious conversions erupted in late 2005, when a court ordered Maniam Moorthy, a member of Malaysia's Mount Everest expedition, to be buried as a Muslim despite objections from his Hindu wife.
In other cases since then, Malaysia's secular courts have denied at least two women the right to convert out of Islam, passing the matter to the country's separate Shariah courts, which are unlikely to grant conversion.
Some 40 percent of Malaysians are Buddhists, Hindus or Christians from ethnic Chinese and Indian communities. The rest are Muslim Malays. (
***** The government should order an investigation into why this entire charade was allowed to happen if the so-called conversion was illegal from the beginning. Just because it concerns Islam doesn't mean that those fanatical whackos sitting in the religious department are above the law or enjoy immunity. By their sloppy work they have caused much anxiety within the nation and brought us into international disrepute. Punish them.
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Labels: Legal Matters., Religious Extremism.
Ya punish them till election over , cancelled or after or Kingdom cometh
Well, well, WTH it is call victory for "minority".
The whole case are actually affect EVERY Malaysian. It is a citizen vs draconian government issue. In fact, it is little to do with religion, but abused by religious people.
And that is the big picture!
It is my hope that, Mr Ngiam will sue the pants off the relevant parties.
May Wong Sau Lan now truly rest in peace.
Retract claim suddenly? Yes, I hope the poor guy sues the pants off the bloody hospital & Government!
The Government is not going to make an enquiry into this episode because the Government probably got the Islamic Officals to retract the claim (GE is coming lah!).
Wait until after the GE, there will be more cases like this & you can be sure the that they will not be retracting their claims so easily!
Yup ,sue all these buggers for a couple of milions ringgit to teach these morons a lesson.
If Mr Ngiam does sue the government & he wins the case. Guess who's paying for it? Look in the mirror.
Vote BN out!
Let this be a final warning for those non-muslims who seek muslim faith-healers for their sick/dying
why are there more fanatics among muslims?? think about it the religion,the people or the govt?
I see your point! If he wins the Tax Payers pay!
However, he can't win as we all know who controls the Judiciary!
Yes, vote these intolerant Racists & Religious Fanaticts out!
As qwerty has indicated, the taxpayers will have to pay.
Can the taxpayers sue the errant officials to recover the loss ? If not the errant officials, how about the head of department ? And if not, how about the Minister in charge ?
I do not condone Chua Soi Lek's sexcapade, but he did the right thing by quitting all his posts.
It's the modern day version of a Japanese samurai committing Harakiri.
Let's see if this bunch of so called religious bigots is half the man Chua is?
Anyway,I wouldn't hold my breath, as such what we the rakyat can do, is to kick out, or at least shake up the present government by denying them 2/3 majority in the coming election.
Vote BN Not!
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