Rais To Secure Return Of Prehistoric Human Skeletons From Cambridge. Part Of Umno's Pre-Election Sandiwara?

The skeletons from the Kelantan cave, dated to about 5,000 years ago, were taken out of Malaysia in the 1950's by the former Taiping Museum director, G. de G. Sieveking, to his house in the United Kingdom.
Sieveking (1925-2007) was a prehistoric archaeologist, best known for his work on flint and flint mines. A PhD student at the University of Cambridge, he carried out excavations in Malaysia in the 1950's, notably at Cha Cave.
According to a statement from the ministry's National Heritage Department Thursday, the minister would lead a delegation to formalise the repatriation of the skeletons, deemed as important and priceless evidence of ancient population in Malaysia.
National Heritage Commissioner Prof Emeritus Datuk Zuraina Majid had initiated the effort to bring home the skeletons in 2005 when she was still with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
The department said Cha Cave, situated on the bank of the Nenggiri River in Hulu Kelantan, is an important prehistoric site in Southeast Asia and has revealed about 40 skeletons.
"These skeletons are important as research material and reference as they have the potential of providing information on the development of prehistoric population in Malaysia," it added in the statement.
According to records, the discovery of the 300 sq metre Cha Cave was first reported in 1936 by H.D. Noone. Several extensive research on the historical significance of the cave was conducted by Sieveking in 1954.
Research indicates that Cha Cave was inhabited by the "Hoabinhians" 10,000 years ago, followed by the "Neolithics" 4,000 years later. (Bernama)
***** Come off it lah! This has the hallmark of a shameless sandiwara to angle for Malay votes. You know what it's like; the 'courageous' pejuang Melayu braving the seas to boldly go into mat salleh territory and proudly bringing back what belongs to 'us'. For all you know the buggers in Umno might even choreograph a full-scale kompang welcome for Rais on his return! How else can you explain the incredibly perfect timing for his 'daring' journey?
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Labels: Elections, Sandiwara Umno
a perfect Malaysian comment to a most unbecoming Malay sandiwara
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