"Respect Other's Feelings, Avoid The Word 'Indon'," Says Khairy. Will He Show Equal Sensitivity For The Word Keling?

Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin said most Malaysians were unaware that the term was not used in Indonesia and that Indonesians were offended by its usage here.
Speaking at the Malaysian-Indonesian (Malindo) Dialogue 2008, he urged Malaysians to be more sensitive to the feelings of Indonesians.
"The Malaysian media should lead the way by doing away with the term, to avoid causing ill feelings."
Khairy said words and terms which caused anger or hurt a person's feelings should be avoided as they could be used by irresponsible parties to fan discontentment.
Indonesian delegate Hamkam Noor said the term "Indonesian" denoted the identity of the country's people and the truncated word was belittling to them. (NST)
***** What a thoughtful appeal to Malaysians at large by KJ! Almost a cri de coeur. His strong view that "words and terms which caused anger or hurt a person's feelings should be avoided," must be lauded. But isn't this the same Khairy Jamaluddin who sat through the last Umno General Assembly where the derogatory term keling was used by several delegates when speaking on matters concerning bangsa, agama dan negara? Where was his sensitivity then? Did he tick off those illiterate bigots who used that word or did he laugh along with them? Did he not realise then that this was a word which was deeply offensive and insulting to the Indian community as a whole?
It must be a curse on this country that its leaders apply different sets of rules for different people having the same problem. Khairy wasn't bothered then and he's not going to be bothered now. The kelings can go to hell for all that he cares. After all the offensive word used mostly by Malays and kept alive by the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka disparages a minority group of people residing in the country and therefore not to be too concerned about.
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Labels: Racism
Did I not say Indon? Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon,Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon, Indon,
Indon, Kling or Mamak
Chinaman, Orang Puteh, Mat Melayu
Paki, Bangla, Itiy, Jock, paddy or Taff, Kiwi, Pommey Bastard or whatever, well I never.
Just names for folks by folks
Rude or not who gives a toss
The SIL seek some mileage
But the words he speaks are just rotting silage!
KJ is more interested in "angkat bontok" orang Indon, then the very Malaysian people of Malay, Indian and Chinese.
Podah KJ. KJ u r a stupid person.
A lot of the "Bumiputras" in Malaysia to day are of Indonesian stock (e.g. Khir Toyol).
As for the Malaysian Chinese & Indians, well, you think this guy gives a damn?
Oftimes it is far better to ignore statements made by such persons who assume positions which they do not actually hold, but claim or assume that they hold assumed powers, and in that process make public exhibition of their impertinence on matters that can only come through maturity and wisdom. Such things are sadly lacking in this case and it is not unusual for upstarts to attempt to throw their weight when they find that they are being deafeningly ignored by the world around them excepting for words of "wisdom" given to them unsparingly by their cronies and sycophants.
even other malay supremacists are mad at KJ.
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