Sunday, August 12, 2007

Umno Capitalizes On Negarakuku YouTube Idiocy; Demands Regulatory Control Of Bloggers

Only a couple of days ago I had posted that "the direct beneficiary of this silly act is the government, especially Umno. They were looking around for a good cause which they could employ to rally all the Malays behind them. The usual sandiwara stuff has not been very successful thus far. Now this golden opportunity has landed on their collective laps and you can be sure it will be milked dry at the appropriate time. Wait and watch as the self-appointed guardians of bangsa, agama dan negara start spitting their venom, no thanks to this idiot in Taiwan."

Sure enough, the scheming mini-warlords at Umno Youth have started to rachet up the momentum and are baying for blood. Not only that of the Taiwan based student but of all bloggers! This YouTube mega-blunder is the type of ammunition which the ruling keris wielder types have been waiting for with relish. And boy are they happy!

Read the following report from Bernama.
Umno Youth Chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said today the time has come for regulatory control of bloggers who resort to unethical means to belittle the country's leaders and mock national symbols and instruments.

He said the movement would not tolerate anyone, particularly bloggers, who threaten national stability, harmony and traditional values of the country.

"Umno Youth warns that freedom has its limits and we will not tolerate those who touch on the issues of national stability, harmony, cultural values and the personality of national leaders," he said when opening the Subang Umno divisional delegates conference here.

Hishammuddin related how irresponsible bloggers had victimised him and his family by spreading slander and even published the picture of an indecently attired young woman whom they claimed to be his daughter.

On Malaysian mass communications student Wee Meng Chee, 24, in Taiwan who rapped to the Negaraku in a video clip, Hishammuddin, who is Education Minister, said the student had discarded the cultures and values of Malaysian society.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both are to be blame,coz both went overboard,but the difference is that UMNO is the gomen so they can dictate terms & what can we do?

sendiri buat,sendiri tanggung maa.

12:15 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wee Meng Chee should take Hishamuddin's threats seriously and use them as proof to apply for asylum in the US and elsewhere. If he comes back to this country, the consequences are too harsh to contemplate

2:52 PM GMT+8  
Blogger chineng said...

I don't understand why Wee should be so stupid and irresponsible to commit that kind of rash action. It does nothing good to the non-Malays here. Malaysian government's affirmative action and it's negative effects have already been known throughout the world. If Wee wanted to voice his frustrations, he should have just present it to the audience in a more formal manner. By mimicking Muslims' morning prayers and thus making fun of them is simply outrageous. He has given the scheming politicians the windfall capital to play their racial cards, resulting in much disadvantage to the Chinese as Wee is a Malaysian Chinese. Young non-Bumiputeras should tread carefully when voicing their discontents lest they would again stir hornet's nest that the end losers are they themselves.

3:49 PM GMT+8  
Blogger chineng said...

I don't understand why Wee should be so stupid and irresponsible to commit that kind of rash action. It does nothing good to the non-Malays here. Malaysian government's affirmative action and it's negative effects have already been known throughout the world. If Wee wanted to voice his frustrations, he should have just present it to the audience in a more formal manner. By mimicking Muslims' morning prayers and thus making fun of them is simply outrageous. He has given the scheming politicians the windfall capital to play their racial cards, resulting in much disadvantage to the Chinese as Wee is a Malaysian Chinese. Young non-Bumiputeras should tread carefully when voicing their discontents lest they would again stir up hornet's nest that the end losers are they themselves.

3:51 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Jeffrey Chew said...

I think Mr Wee had the impression that he will get lots of publicity by doing so. With the current weather not so favorable for the incumbent govt, any deviation or distraction will be treated as means to beat up the straw man. How irresponsible Mr Wee has been. Although I believe he had good intentions, I somewhat think that his rapping skills have gone beyond his wildest expectation. Good luck Mr Wee.

4:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saya cintai negaraku
Ada negara baru ada keluarga
Ada keluarga baru ada saya
Berdiri di sini nyanyi lagu untuk mu
Kau jangan takut
Walau setiap kali aku bercakap kasar
Lagu aku macam durian yang keras berduri
Cuma tengok berani tak kau membuka
Lihat apa yang sebenar di dalamnya
Ia boleh berbau busuk ataupun berbau wangi
Cuma tengok kau ada apa macam punya lubang hidung

Polis kita dipanggil Mata
Kerana mata mereka sungguh tajam
Menjelang tahun baru mereka sangat rajin bekerja
Pegang pen tapi jarang tulis saman
Kerana mereka dahaga perlu minum teh dan juga kopi O
Nak tambah gula tak
Kalau tambah gula mulutnya manis dan akan senyum padamu
Bila kau nak pergi dia juga akan Tata (ucap selamat tinggal) padamu
Gejala ini tak perlu ubah
Tak perlu diperbaiki jua
Polis dan rakat bekerjasama
Secawan kopi jadi hubungan kita tak menjadi tawar (longgar)
Aku sangat suka
Sekurang-kurangnya takkan terima saman bila balik rumah
Bapaku tentu akan “Tulan” (marah)
Saya tentu “Kiam Kan” (kena marah)
Tiada kereta bagi aku bawa
Macam mana
Kali ini teruklah
Tiada kereta macam mana aku keluar bersuka ria
Tiada kereta macam mana aku berasmara di luar
Tiada kereta macam mana aku pergi tengok pondan

Negara ini aku sangat suka
Lima pagi ada morning call panggil aku bangun
Kadang kala beberapa buah nyanyi bersama-sama
Bila dengar bagaikan nyanyi lagu cinta
Suara berputar-putar macam nyanyi R&B
Kadang kala mereka nyanyi sampai suara lari (dari pitching)
Kadang kala mereka nyanyi sampai suara serak
Ada yang suara macam ayam jantan
Tapi bangun lebih awal daripada ayam jantan
Macam ini kami baru tahu tiba masa untuk belajar dan bekerja
Jangan salah kerajaan hanya menjaga bumiputera
Jangan salah kerajaan kita tidak dilayan dengan saksama
Ini baru dapat buktikan kita orang Cina tak takut hidup menderita
Ini baru dapat melatih kita cari jalan keluar dari dilema
Jangan rasa standard mereka ganjil sangat
Kerana sebaliknya dapat tunjuk kita hebat sangat
Anak yang tak dimanjakan baru takkan bergantung kepada orang lain
Jika tidak kenapa kau masih dapat lihat ada orang yang belum putus susu

Mereka yang sembunyi di jabatan kerajaan lebih hebat
Mereka buat apa-apa pun lambat sangat
Biarpun sampai orang yang tunggu berbaris maki “Cau Lelai”
Mood mereka masih relaks sahaja
Kadang kala ambil kuih keluar
Dia makan kuihnya
Kau terus berbaris sahaja
Biarpun kau maki “Cau Lelai” pun tak apa
Kerana pegawal sedang mimpi di sebelah
Dia takkan marah kau punya

Mereka bungkus kepala
Jalan perlahan-lahan melintas jalan
Kalau kau berlalu mesti beri laluan
Yang penting hidup dengan gembira
Yang penting hidup dengan selesa
Jangan macam orang Cina
Sibuk sepanjang masa
Begitu susah payah
Semangat macam ini mesti kita sanjungi
Kerana inilah sikap hidup mereka

Lagu ini aku hanya cakap yang baik-baik sahaja
Aku percaya kau yang Tulan (benci) aku sekarang mestilah suka
Dunia sungguh aman
Penuh dengan harapan
Tiada orang cedera
Tiada huru-hara
Kau sungguh suci
Kau sungguh anggun
Tahi berbau wangi
Tak maki-maki kasar
Kau paling berkelas tinggi
Tiap-tiap hari romantik
Dengar lagu Guang Liang Pin Guan
Tapi mereka pun dah pergi ke Taiwan

Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina yang tamat pelajaran
Sungguh susah nak masuk universiti tempatan
Tapi kita tak perlu rasa “Tulan” (benci)
Kerana ini rancangan kerajaan yang gagah
Ia mau kita pergi ke sana sini
Keluar negeri cari harapan sendiri
Lalu menimba ilmu dan membalas negara ini
Rancangan ini begitu sempurna
Di merata-rata dunia dapat jumpa anak-anak Malaysia
Macam lari daripada mala petaka
Sungguh syoknya

2007 Tahun Lawat Malaysia
Semua budaya Cina dibawa keluar untuk publisiti
Sekolah Menengah Persendirian Cina kerajaan sedikit pun tak mau peduli
Sijil dibuang ke dalam longkang
Macamlah aku tamat persekolahan menengah pergi ke Taiwan
Menimba ilmu sedia pulang membalas negara
Berdiri di tepi jalan Taipei aku bermain gitar
Tapi mulut aku tetap bernyanyi

6:49 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a saying, "Monkey see, Monkey do" (pardon the pun).

Hey! It's not like bloggers have no ace up their sleeve. There is the Port Klang Port issue, remember?

Go get them!

8:03 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

betul ke ini satu sandiwara? jangan pula ada pihak yang tak bertanggungjawab jadikan sandiwara sebagai alasan bila hina melayu dan islam. Takut nanti semua orang boleh hina semua agama dan beri alasan ..aaahhh..ini satu sendiwara umno.

7:44 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy! See what kind of so-called leaders we hve? They can't even stand a little critizism, no wonder they asserted this is a Islamic nation. Ppl now are not allow to voice different views, nothing bad or negative comments should be uttered even when the leaders had done wrong, they expect the ppl to just follow, no talk. Surely boleh, man.

7:19 PM GMT+8  

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