Friday, August 10, 2007

Malaysian Student Defends YouTube Rap Video Of Negaraku

A Malaysian Chinese student has defended posting a racially provocative rap video of the national anthem on YouTube that enraged ethnic Malays, saying he was merely exposing the truth in his music, according to a report Thursday.

"I'm simply reflecting the truth about our society through my music and I did not mean to offend anyone by producing such a video clip. I still love my country," Wee Meng Chee, 24, was quoted as saying The Star newspaper.

Wee has come under fire for mocking the national anthem and using racial slurs in his rap video posted on the Internet site last month, which sparked a flood of abusive criticism from Malays but expressions of support from the ethnic Chinese community.

The divergent responses expose the deep divisions in the multiethnic country, where minority Chinese and Indians have long resented the privileges that the majority Muslim Malays receive in jobs and education under an affirmative action program.

Wee, who is studying at the Ming Chuan University in Taiwan, insisted he was patriotic and didn't mean to be seditious or to attack the government, The Star newspaper said.

More than half a million people have viewed the six-minute clip, in which Wee blends the national anthem, "Negaraku," with a rap song that bemoaned discrimination that Chinese face in Malaysia.

He also poked fun at Muslim morning prayers broadcast from mosques, corrupt policemen and laid-back civil servants, who are mostly Malays. Some of the lyrics implied that Malays are arrogant and Chinese are hardworking.

Officials have said they are investigating whether Wee has flouted the Sedition Act, which carries a maximum prison term of three years.

But Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar said Thursday that the government does not have plans to recall him from Taiwan, or the means to do so. "We can recall him if he is on a government scholarship," Syed Hamid was quoted as saying by national news agency Bernama. "If a Malaysian citizen commits something unlawful under Malaysian law in a foreign land, we cannot recall him or her."

At best, police can take steps toward filing charges against him, he said.

The Star quoted Wee as saying that he wrote the song in conjunction with Malaysia's 50th independence on Aug. 31, describing it as his "gift" to the country.

He said he had removed the video from the Web site after receiving negative responses but it was uploaded again by some other supporters, the newspaper said. His face can be clearly seen in the video and he sings with the Malaysian flag as a backdrop.

Such direct lampooning of a race in public is highly uncommon in Malaysia, where the three main ethnic groups have lived peacefully together since racial riots on May 13, 1969, left at least 200 people dead. (International Herald Tribune)

***** Attempting to
"merely expose the truth" with his music is one thing but to be seen as scoffing at the national anthem while "simply reflecting the truth about our society" and then claiming to be 'patriotic' demonstrates remarkable naiveté and downright stupidity.

The direct beneficiary of this silly act is the government, especially Umno. They were looking around for a good cause which they could employ to rally all the Malays behind them. The usual sandiwara stuff has not been very successful
thus far. Now this golden opportunity has landed on their collective laps and you can be sure it will be milked dry at the appropriate time.

Wait and watch as the self-appointed guardians of bangsa, agama dan negara start spitting their venom, no thanks to this idiot in Taiwan.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

honestly - the guy wouldn't have written the song if he didn't feel truth in it. the country is only living in peace and tranquility under a superficial mask of tolerance. until the new economic policy is redrawn - taking away "positive discrimination", then perhaps the mindset of the people can be changed. the minority races have a lot to say - most of them think it pointless to speak up as they'll just get beaten down - so they do what they can to survive. this song it just the start of something big. we are all born and bred - some of us have great grandparents born here. we deserve not to be rated as 2nd class citizens.

10:58 AM GMT+8  
Blogger Monsterball said...

Just on a legal note for those calling for him to be charged....

Day 1 in court.
Accused charge read by prosecution- "You, on 1st August 2007, in Taipei, made the following seditious remarks"
Judge - "Mana ini Taipei ?"
Prosecutor - "In Taiwan, you honour"

"Taiwan is not Malaysia territory, case dismissed".

Unless of course, they use the ISA, no trial necessary, just throw away the key.

1:39 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What an awesome original piece of creative work!

Whatever you people may think, but namewee has opened a can of worms and at the same time, show the world that there ARE talented and creative chinese youths in the country. His message is the truth and it is loud and clear for evereyone to see and jive to.

Yes people, The truth hurts, so deal with it! Debate it. Discuss it .... just don't kill the messenger.

Namewee, you are my hero!

3:55 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear The Malaysian

If my memory serves me right, the tune of our National Anthem was no made in Malaysia and it was not the original composition for "Negaraku". Infact,it is an old old Indoneisan song called "Bulan Terang". Tunku sort of 'remade' the tune to be our National Anthem.

Wee might be wrong to use the tune which showed no respect to the national anthem lyric, but if he had used the original lyric of "Bulan Terang", that would be 'great', what say you?

5:27 PM GMT+8  
Blogger mech81 said...

Unfortunately as a Malaysian said... this will only work into the hands of the UMNO politicians on top and milk it dry they will.

If you see some of the comments on the Youtube website...there are clear signs that even within the minority community there are ones that say life is good and the MCA and MIC r doing what is good and Malaysia is peaceful and harmonious...such thinking due to ppl who do not know what is actually happening and only looking at the sandiwara (drama) thats around in the mainstream media.

A lot of them i can gather are still the young ones that have not had much discrimination against them yet in terms and jobs and education. To this group thats inclined to sit on their a**es, just you wait...u may not get it now but when u come of age like looking for jobs and looking for promotions then you will know how it feels.

Its this group of the minorities that assume that ppl are wanting to start an inferno. No wonder UMNO is sitting pretty and smiling away while they get away with daylight murder and robbery...with the MCA and MIC of course.

Let's see in a few years time they can still chant "Malaysia United" and "Malaysia as One". I highly doubt it.

5:32 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think there is a very big gap between chinese and malays..the country wealth is not properly distributed..bussiness is dominated by chineses while public service by malays..deep inside the heart, they hate each other..maybe one day, a new May 13 event will occur if no action is taken to overcome this..we just wait..

2:39 PM GMT+8  

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