Tuesday, February 05, 2008

General Knowledge Of The British 'Shocking' - Poll

More than a quarter of the British population think that Mahatma Gandhi never existed, but was actually a legendary character created for celluloid. He is in good company because just as many Britons believe the same of Winston Churchill, Sir Walter Raleigh, Cleopatra and Charles Dickens.

A poll carried out by a UK TV channel to test the nation’s general knowledge found these shocking results where historical figures were mistaken for legends and fictional characters like Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes and King Arthur were thought to have lived.

The under 20-s were found to be the most lacking in basic historical knowledge. The results show both the lacunae in the school curriculum and the obsessive interest in celebrity and popular culture. A TV advertisement selling insurance uses a lugubrious talking bulldog called Churchill, and many youngsters believed that was Winston Churchill and had never heard of the Briton’s famous war time prime minister.

Many of the respondents to the survey believed that Gandhi was a character created by Sir Richard Attenborough for his award-winning film and had no idea that he had actually led the movement for Indian independence or inspired others to take up his ideology of non-violence. (DNA)

***** And we in the 'colonies' still look in awe at and applaud a mat salleh education, even a third-
rate one.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumbing down of British education and knowledge began in earnest with the traitorous Blair govt. Labour needed to employ the tatic of Treason disguised as tolerance by loony leftists , liberal (fascists really) and political correct cowards to lull the Brit natives into rapid islamisation of Britain and to enjoy dhimmitude.

Blair and his liberals (dhimmis) ensured that Multiculti destroyed the Social Contract and ushered in Sharia Law. The multiculturalists convince their societies to accept their own destruction by indoctrinating their fellow citizens through their education systems and media.

A very very wise Tashbih Sayyed 1941-2007 said:
"The moment you give up your principles and your values, the moment you laugh at those principles and those values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period."

Now Britain has embarked on shunning its history and opted for multi culti trash that demeans its historical heritage with contempt.

Islam is for the Brit natives to accept while Blair made posthaste to the Vatican to convert to Roman Catholicism thus saving his ass and that of his family.

But no pity for the Brits. They are experiencing collective karma for the sins of their fathers.

11:00 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The absolutely vile Lprd Macaulay, british historian & politician said: "We must do our best to form a class of persons Indians in blood, colour, b ut English in tastes, in opinions, and in intellect" In 1835 in a speech in the British Parliament: "I propse that we replace her Old and Ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than her own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self, culture, and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."

Now it's happening to his own people from within.

A century and a half later its his country and natives who are fast losing their self-esteem, culture, and truly being dominated by islamist terrorists.

Perhaps, the English , who were noted buffoons, parasites to thhe hilt, ignoramuses who refused to acknowledge that Primary Source of Wisdom, Science, Maths, Philosophy, Medicine, Surgery came from India and who shamelessly appropriated much knowledge to pass off as their own . Aldous Huxley's "Idea of the Perennial Philosophy and its mystic monism" is appropriated from the Upanishads
is just one example. And it was an Indian Doctor who saved Gordon Brown's eyes!!!

11:42 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm...I can't help thinking that if we were to conduct a similar general knowledge quiz in Malaysia - the results will likely be a lot worse - given the state of our national education system. We'll likely get way better results on an Akademi Fantasia quiz.

1:32 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Tom said...


Here is game for them to improve:
Answer4earth, it’s very special quiz on general knowledge

5:36 PM GMT+8  

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