Morocco Jails 50 Islamists For Terror Plots

The government said the group planned to declare 'holy war' in northeast Morocco, had recruited members of the police and the military and planned to rob banks and convoys and use the money to buy more explosives.
Their leader, Hassan Khattab, was jailed for 25 years and the 49 others were sentenced to between two and 20 years in prison, including four women who got five-year jail terms. All the defendants pleaded not guilty. One man who stood trial with the others was acquitted. Khattab smiled to display his indifference as the judge read out the sentences. "We did nothing to get such sentences. We left our children alone and hungry," said Abdesalam Debibeh, who was sentenced to eight years in prison.
The court found the defendants guilty of plotting to bomb government buildings and tourism landmarks in Casablanca and other cities and belonging to an illegal group, collecting money to fund terrorism and undermining state security and public order.
During the trial Khattab broke his silence only to deny the charges against him, attack the Moroccan government as an "apostate dictatorship" and assail its ally, the United States. "I say to (US President) Bush 'we are coming to attack you,'" he said. "One day we will manage to wipe you out."
Moroccan police have broken up more than 50 cells and arrested some 3,000 people since 2003, when suicide bombings killed 45 people in Casablanca. (TOI)
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