Saturday, September 01, 2007

Is Malaysia's Racial Unity Unraveling? Observers Say "Yes" But Umno Puts On Grand Show, Says "Semuanya OK!

Malaysia marked 50 years of independence Friday with dances and parades, in a colorful show of ethnic unity that belied worsening race relations and growing fears about eroding minority rights.

Smartly dressed Malays, Chinese and Indians danced in a parade at the Merdeka Square, or Freedom Square, where Malaysia's first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman announced independence from Britain on Aug. 31, 1957.

In a midnight speech to about 100,000 Malaysians assembled at Merdeka Square, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the struggle to fulfill the objectives of independence has not been won, despite remarkable economic progress and prosperity for nearly all citizens.

"The struggle is for all Malaysians. We must ensure that no region or community is left behind. We will hold true to the concept of justice and fairness for all citizens," Abdullah said. "We must take care of our unity."

But racial unity appears to be unraveling, say many observers, citing an affirmative action program for the majority Malays and the growing influence of Islam that ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities say is undermining the constitutional rights to a secular government and freedom to practice their faiths.

"Although we have achieved a lot in 50 years, I have my doubts we can continue to sustain the pace of the progress until we change our mind-set and develop more dynamic and meritocratic policies," said Ramon Navaratnam, a former Finance Ministry adviser and an architect of the country's economic policies.

Malay Muslims make up about 60 percent of the country's 26 million people. Chinese are 25 percent, Indians 10 percent and the rest belong to other minorities. Members of the three races got together Friday in a state-orchestrated party at Merdeka Square.

At independence, Malays were the poorest and the most backward ethnic group. But an affirmative action program started in 1971 gave Malays privileges and preferences in jobs, education, businesses, housing, bank loans and government contracts.

The program has given rise to minority disenchantment, and even Malays have complained that it benefits only those close to Abdullah's United Malays National Organization party. The party dominates the ruling coalition, sharing some power with Chinese, Indian and other race-based parties.

"What divides us has become more accentuated than what unites us," the Christian Federation of Malaysia said in a statement. "Signs of polarization along ethnic and religious lines, along with all forms of chauvinism, racism and superiority are eroding our national unity." The spread of Islamic conservatism is adding to ethnic tensions, which have remained under the surface since racial riots in May 1969 left hundreds dead.

Court verdicts this year have found that civil courts have no jurisdiction in Islamic matters, even when applied to non-Muslims.

Clerics have been telling Muslims not to attend Christian or Hindu festivals, and some condemn Christians and Jews at Friday prayers. Most Malay women now wear head scarves, not part of their traditional attire. Some schools have started reciting Muslim prayers.

The trend worries many modern Malays.

"The question we are facing is, are we Malay first or Muslim first? Right now most people have become Muslim first," said Tengku Zafrul Aziz, the chief executive of Tune Money, an investment and insurance company. (International Herald Tribune)

***** There is plenty which is not right with the country at the present time. It's not as if those in power don't know it. They do, but are not about to lift a finger to change it. Why? Because it fits into their scheme of things in maintaining their hold on power till eternity. In any case who are the real pengkhianat responsible for and have largely contributed to this state of increasing racial polarization and disunity?

Divide and rule is the name of their game and "bangsa, agama dan negara" the war cry. And should things go awry at some later date there is always the Malay army to bail them out and set matters right by force. (Nothing like a little blood-letting and gore to get the average chinaman to fall in line) After that they can continue their perjuangan till kingdom come or the nation is declared bankrupt. Semuanya for them at the moment is still OK!
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Blogger Geronimo said...

I am prepared to lay a bet with anyone. After all the blah blah blah from the PM, things will continue to go downhill in the months to come. Already it has been reported in Malaysiakini today that an Islamic group has warned Muslims not to eat at Hindu restaurants as they are not suitable for Muslims. After all this time, why bring up the subject now?

2:27 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will the Idi Amin of Malaysia appear and grab power?

2:36 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The keyphrase here is "UMNO puts on a grand show..." UMNO is NOT the goverment!

Transcript from WTV 8:
"Eksklusif Bersama Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin":

"...dan sebab orang Malaysia masih sempit pemikiran, bila kita sebut UMNO kita sebut kerajaan,bila kita sebut UMNO, kita sebut melayu. Menentang UMNO, bukan menentang kerajaan,menentang UMNO bukan menentang melayu.
UMNO tu bukan melayu.
UMNO tu bukan kerajaan.
UMNO tu satu parti politik yang menyalahguna kuasa!"


During the last GE,we the people of Malaysia had given the BN too big a mandate & had created the present monster, now it's growing to big for it's breeches.Time to take it down before it takes the country down. Vote BN OUT!


5:24 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UMNO is the one creating the racial disunity!

11:48 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

inilah jadinya bila kacang lupa kulit,bila cacing naik kemata.

10:03 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did any of the so called national leaders drive around the city and adjacent areas and looked around? I doubt it... probably they are preoccupied with GE and how to cheat the people further.

Hardly 15% of the household flew the Jalur Gemilang. Even the Malays are not flying it anymore. I think the BN clowns are just kidding themselves with all this hoohahs.

8:53 AM GMT+8  

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