Friday, December 08, 2006

Short Message Service(SMS) - Boon Or Bane?

The following is an observation by Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia secretary-general Datuk Dr Maamor Osman, which I noticed by chance at Bernama's home page: "Some husbands are divorcing their wives through SMS. Parents give instructions to their children via SMS. Likewise, children too, simply SMS their parents for anything. The traditional communication is slowly on the wane. This is dangerous.”

How true that statement of Datuk Dr Maamor is. Text messaging has become such an integral part of our communication that it is slowly replacing the traditional way in which we used to conduct our inter-personal relationships. Has this device intruded too much into the home, office and place of study that it should be considered an imminent danger to our way of life? Or is Dr Maamor merely being an alarmist?

Frankly I had not given much thought to that until I read his statement and I personally feel that he's got a point. I think basically we, all of us, have to be consciously aware of the disadvantages of depending too much on text messaging in the day to day conduct of our lives. If we keep that in mind and treat SMS usage in that perspective, things should be OK.

What about you? Do you agree with Dr Maamor or do you have a different experience as far as SMS is concerned? Please do share your opinions with us.

Here is an interesting link to an article written almost six years ago on this same topic: TEXT MESSAGING: BOON OR BANE?
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Blogger devonic said...

Anything which is done in moderation is a medicine in disguise meanwhile anything overdid is a poison awaiting...

7:24 PM GMT+8  
Blogger The Malaysian. said...

Moderation - yes my friend, that indeed is the determining factor.

7:29 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Walski69 said...

SMS, like many other tools in life, can be used, or abused. As a communications tool, it is, of course, a boon - no doubt about it.

Let me relate a short story (heh - no pun intended). A couple of years ago, during the 7/7 London bombing, SMS was the only way to get thru to my niece and nephew who lived there and couldn't be reached any other way because of the phone jam-up.

It all depends on the individual, and how he/she uses (or abuses)this tool. As for the claims that it erodes human contact, again, it's really up to the person wielding the weapon... er, tool.

As for those silly $-wasters of contests, SMS-ins, and what not.. well, gullibility is as gullibility does. And if it weren't thru SMS, it would have been thru something else...

9:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger BrightEyes said...

Its definetly led to more dangerous forms of DWC (Driving With Cellphone)... instead of yakking with one hand on the wheel and another on their Samsung, people are now looking DOWN to type "Huney I luv u ^_^" on the phones.

Plus all those annoying afternoon ads on TV3 for messages.

10:27 PM GMT+8  

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