Friday, December 01, 2006

PAS' Showbiz Blitz - Sudden Awareness Of Moderation Or Electioneering Strategy?

Perhaps PAS knows that its moment has finally arrived and the window of opportunity it has waited for all this while is rapidly opening. By default, due to Umno's irresponsible governance, PAS' fortune is in the ascendant. Even that part of the population who most dislike and distrust them, the non-Muslims, are at least contemplating a win-win kind of tie-up with the hitherto fringe extremist party. If Umno keeps up its present haphazard mode and style of administration, there will be lots of traditional BN votes that will go PAS' way. All that the Islamic party has to do is tone down on rhetoric and put on a moderate front; green on the inside but with a harmonious, multi-colored exterior.

It is perhaps due to this line of thinking that PAS has changed tack strategically and instead of coming out against all entertainment by westerners, is actively pursuing that icon of the Muslim entertainment world, Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam to perform in God's paradise on earth, Kelantan.

Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat himself admitted as much when he said that the state government had to try out various means to gain the people's support.

He has a simple answer for bringing in the foreign artistes such as Yusof Islam: To show that there are artistes who cling to Islam although most may indulge in vice including women, drugs and alcohol.

"It is also aimed at showing that Islam does not close its doors completely to entertainment as long as it does not make man forget his responsibilities and is free from negative aspects through attire, presentation and song lyrics," he said.

Nik Abdul Aziz said that after 15 years of rule where the party had to face various problems, only now could the state government focus on new, more open measures, especially in entertainment to attract all sectors of society, especially the young.

"Personally, I am not focusing on attracting the youths (to support Pas), but to show that not 100 per cent of songs and entertainment is 'haram'. If the youths want to support us, thank God," he said.

Early during its rule, the Pas state government did not allow concerts to be organised in the state because it considered them as causing irresponsibility in viewers.

The attitude change became apparent last year when the state government allowed Akademi Fantasia 3 (AF3) champion Mawi to perform, albeit with certain conditions.

Ironically this new 'openness' shown by PAS has opposition, from of all people, Umno! "I am not surprised with this latest action by Pas because they had never been consistent in their struggle for Islam," said Kelantan Umno Youth leader Dali Hussin.

Dali believed Pas was facing enormous pressure and had to resort to this measure to regain support, especially from the younger voters in the state.

According to him, the state government should not call in foreign artistes because Kelantan itself is a "cultural mine". Yusuf who embraced Islam in 1977 is a famous singer and composer in Britain and had sold 60 million copies of his albums.

Dali said, it would be better for the state government to encourage local arts such as the "dikir barat" which could impart positive messages.

"Can they control the thousands of entertainment-hungry people of Kelantan if they go ahead with the plan to bring in foreign artistes?," he asked.

***** Now that the roles are reversed we shall watch and see how the PAS 'Baru' tactics work. Whether it represents a genuine change of heart or merely a clever pre-election ploy by PAS will not be too difficult to ascertain over time. In the meanwhile this newfangled challenge has probably sent shivers up and down Umno's spine, or whatever is left of it, and no one can predict how they will respond.
(Source - Bernama)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imaging Nik Abdul Aziz leads all PAS members to the dance floor and boogie!! hehehe... all youths will give them support.

7:05 PM GMT+8  
Blogger The Malaysian. said...

Your remark billy is exactly what I had in mind when I wrote that non-Muslims would contemplate a tie-up with PAS. The popular opinion it seems is along those lines; support for PAS by default.

9:35 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is also aimed at showing that Islam does not close its doors completely to entertainment as long as it does not make man forget his responsibilities and is free from negative aspects through attire, presentation and song lyrics," he said.

Yes...and I assume Mak Yong, Dikir Barat and Wayang Kulit (amongst others) is chock full of negative aspects like vulgar lyrics and scantily dressed puppets exposing their yahoos!

The only reason they bring this foreign guy in is because he has the whole Arab get up...from beard to robe.

The funny thing is that both the major political parties in Malaysia (PAS and UMNO) are engaging in a dance of death. Desperate moves by a bunch of clowns who both are slowly coming to the realization that they have long gone past their shelf lives.

PAS has already shown Malaysian voters its true colors...i.e. once it gets a little bit of power, it resorts to the Taliban code of conduct.

No silly concerts and whatever type of form-over-substance shadow play by them will have much effect on Malaysian voters, especially non-Muslims.....especially not in this day and age where Islamization has run amok in Malaysia thanks to UMNO, but more importantly with the subtle approval of PAS (including: engaging in mob behavior with their UMNO counterparts against civil society groups like Article 11, not making any stand on the body-snatching incidents, and playing to the crowd by stoking the flames that Islam is under "threat").

Malaysia will be a lot better, progressive, and prosperous nation when these two parties bite the dust. May there emerge a true "third way" for this country.

6:56 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malaysian Indians and Chinese (I refuse to consider them "non-" anything) considering PAS. Hope their daughter's look good in a hijjab.

DAP or bust folks.

8:20 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

call it a naive distaste for all things BN, but ppl I've met in PAS seem like decent folk. They bother to come down to the ground and take up causes of the poor and abused..

I've also heard from non-Muslims in Kelantan that life is quite ok indeed.

I expect the Opposition will have an electoral pact in the next general elections, so shying away from PAS just because they're PAS will most probably mean another vote for BN :( nooooo......

1:53 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will certainly choose any opposition party at this present moment...I certainly meant any..For an opposition to take over from BN, it is a long winding road..I will certainly vote for others not from BN in order to have enough check and balance in the policy making body...
Personal view..I don't at all agree with most of the matters done by Pas..But as Nat said,they certainly do lend a hand some times to the folks..If only Pas or any other parties who are willing to unite all Malaysian without championing any race,then I'll be the staunchest supporter..
Are there any party out there including Pas ,if it comes into power, willing to review the NEP,the plight of poor people without prejudice,to make sure all religion believers are treated adequately,my kid would not be biased if he enrols in a National school,if I can buy a house or get a loan without much hassle or to be told "sorry your quota has been taken up"....and to takcle the ever increasing issues that we face in Malaysia now days without referring to religion and race....Tell me when such a kind of party will exist...
Then only ,we can see that our nation moves front in a tango..
Yes ,Pas did toned down it's policy about entertainment,but how many of us do want to go to a concert, where you aren't at ease..a concert where it's like going to a philharmonics and you sit there watching the guy next to you ,rather your loved one...
Pas certainly have to do more if it wants to attract other races...we will wait for that to happen...

5:06 PM GMT+8  
Blogger BrightEyes said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:28 PM GMT+8  
Blogger BrightEyes said...

Remember, the enemy of our enemy is not always your friend. Replacing a bunch of nationalistic fascists with religious fascists will not make it well for Malaysia. It would be naive to assume that discrimination, corruption and racism would end if PAS is in power simply because they are "religious".

Just go to to see what these people really think of "kafirs".

PAS is now trying to lure moderate Muslims and nonMuslims by putting on a mask of tolerance. Once they come to power, they'll do an about face and turn Malaysia into a Saudi-style 1984. Expect worse segregation, Silibin-style nonsense (the police and FRU will be on stand-down, not standby), religious discrimination, and the total destruction of the Perlembagaan.

5:32 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Walski69 said...

When one is faced with freedom of NO choice...

Personally, I've not forgotten what PAS really stands for, cammouflage and all... I'm not convinced that their softened approach is everything that meets the eye. Their primary aim, I believe, still remains. This new facade is perhaps a way to gain added support, other than from their traditional base.

One thing about PAS, however, that I would grudgingly agree is that their philosophy is not along racial lines. But the last thing Malaysia needs now is replacing racial politics with politics along religious lines.

My choice, it seems, is becoming more and more obvious, and it ain't with PAS...

6:20 AM GMT+8  
Blogger Shanghai Fish said...

Ohh Nooooo !!! Not that bunch of hippocrites who go in the guise of 'holy' PAS.Just you wait and see ... once in power they will double the corruption,arrogance and filth, that we are already facing now.. way can you trust this 'mini mullahs'.Should pack all these PAS idiots to Afganistan,or even Iran or Iraq.(that is where their allegiance is, right ?)
Sorry but never Pas... for your childrens' sake, please stop and think!Just don't let your kids feel they were born to morons for parents, by you voting for PAS !Period !

9:31 AM GMT+8  
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2:07 AM GMT+8  

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