Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sultan Orders Zakaria Md Deros To Relinquish Councillorship.

It had to happen. On one side Selangor Menteri Besar Md Khir Toyo was acting like a yoyo, pretending to be a loyal servant of the Sultan by publicly expressing shock at Zakaria's insubordination and then openly apologising for him by saying he's unwell, architect to blame for his non-payment blah, blah blah.

On the other the coward Zakaria did not have the testes to face up to the Sultan and ran away to his kampung in Malacca to celebrate Hari Raya while all the time pleading frail health! The culture of accountability is so glaringly missing from these pemimpin, that it is a wonder they've been allowed to rule the roost for so long.

And the end result? A very, very unhappy Ruler. Therefore it wasn't a surprise when I received this terse message just now: The Sultan of Selangor has ordered Port Klang assemblyman Datuk Zakaria Md Deros to relinquish his post as Klang Municipal councillor. The implications of this unilateral decision by the Sultan is more than just the removal of the palace builder. It is in essence a severe indictment of Khir Toyo and his ambivalence in the whole matter. Only when the Ruler is satisfied that no justice can be expected from the executives of his state or he suspects their own culpability will he take such a decision on his own accord. Are Toyo's days numbered? I expect so. For a start Zakaria should resign as a state assemblyman too. Let the electorate there decide on their next elected rep.

It is my fervent hope and prayer that His Royal Highness doesn't stop with this, as it merely takes away a small part of the malignancy running riot inside that ailing body which is the state of Selangor. In order for the state to have a chance of survival the Sultan has to go all the way and remove that large cancerous portion inside which is represented by the Menteri Besar and most of his corrupt colleagues and hangers on. The nation would indeed be ever grateful to His Royal Highness for that.

Updated Bernama report here: Selangor Sultan Orders Zakaria To Resign As MPK Councillor.
Update: Khir Toyo does a Pontius Pilate and washes his hands of Zakaria!


Blogger Walski69 said...

Kudos to HRH... it's still appalling that it takes pressure and admonition from the higher ups before something is done. It almost seems like honor and virtue, when it comes to politics, is like the proverbial oil and water.

Let's hope the HRH doesn't just stop at this one councillor - we all know that the rot runs much deeper...

1:41 PM GMT+8  
Blogger The Malaysian. said...

Yes Walski, I hope the Sultan goes all the way, including one DENTAL EXTRACTION.

Thanks Jason, for the info. So the bugger has time and the energy to attend Open House!

2:43 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is timely.

2:43 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PM had more energy boost to cure sickness, asking the boss how to reply to HRH. In Malaysia politcal power is more powerful than Royalties......modern Malaysia.


5:11 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This news was up at 2:55pm stating that "Selangor Sultan Orders Zakaria To Resign As MPK Councillor "

However, Bernama has changed the headings now to "Selangor Sultan Advises Zakaria To Resign As Councillor"

Interesting how things are being covered in such a short period of time... the word ORDERED and ADVISED means two different things!

6:18 AM GMT+8  

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