MIC To Provide New Buildings For Tamil Schools. Same Old Story For 50 Years
MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said that so far this year, the government had approved more than RM15 million to replace the old buildings at 17 Tamil schools. Of the allocation, RM6.9 million has been disbursed while the remainder would be given out in January next year.
Samy Vellu, who is the Works Minister, said the Public Works Department had drawn up the plans for the new buildings and the tenders would be called soon.
He said that since 1980, up to 76 Tamil schools had been rebuilt and more would be replaced with new buildings.
Samy Vellu said the government had also approved an allocation of RM1.3 million to build an additional building for the Rawang school for which a tender would be called on October 31.
He said the allocation was approved following his discussion with the Education Ministry.
Samy Vellu said the MIC also planned to improve the system of education at Tamil schools and that a workshop would be held soon to chart the direction. He said the improvement was necessary as the enrolment of Tamil schools had exceeded 100,000.
***** It's so typical of politicians that just before elections they claim to have lofty plans and make announcements about generous disbursements. After the elections, things go back to status quo and Tamil schools will get shafted as they have been all these decades. Then if you were to ask the Education Ministry hotshots, they'll give the same arrogant reply - "be glad we allow vernacular schools unlike other countries."
If the topic of abolishing Tamil schools is proposed as was recently done by former Appeals Court Judge, V.C. George and partially supported by PPP's Kayveas, the MIC politicians will rant, rave, swear and scream bloody murder. You see Tamil school education keeps the MIC relevant as the Never Ending Policy does for Umno.
At the end of the day it is the person(s) who gets the several multi-million ringgit tenders who will be smiling, not Tamil school pupils or teachers. Some things unfortunately will never change.
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Labels: Barisan Nasional Sandiwara., Education, Elections, Malaysian Politics.
the enrolment of Tamil schools had exceeded 100,000--- Samy boy, it's not the quantity but the quality that counts. Go to any secondary school and you will see that the most rotten students in terms of discipline and academic quality are those from Tamil schools
Firstly it's the economic state of the majority of the Indians that need to be worked out. If dear Sammy is still in the dark over this than he should just retire. And I do hope he does not request for a postal stamp with his face on it....
People might just spit on the wrong side and complain that the bloody thing won't stick.
How generous of the govt. 15M Ringgit for 100000 students.Thats R150 spent on each student.
15m can also get you 2 istana dickarias
Its also a quarter of the cost of sending an angkasawan to space for 10 days.
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