Malaysia's 'Vigilante Force' Unmoved By Rights Charges
Rela, which describes itself as the government's "eyes and ears" and was originally set up in the 1960s to help fight a communist revolt, has been criticised for its lack of discipline and abusing the human rights of migrant workers.
"I admit there are a few Rela officers who may be high-handed," said Zaidon Asmuni, Rela's Director-General, in an interview. "It will not be disbanded just because of a few bad hats. Rela is becoming a force to be reckoned with, so there are groups trying to distract Rela by harping on human rights," said the 51-year-old former immigration officer.
Wearing green uniforms and yellow berets, Rela groups have launched raids to trap illegal immigrants almost on a daily basis since being given such powers in 2005. Officers of the rank of platoon commander and above, are allowed to carry firearms, while the rest use batons.
Rela's crackdown is winning support from Malaysians, who routinely blame foreigners for rising crime rates, which could emerge as a major issue in a general election widely expected to be called within months. There are nearly 3 million foreigners doing odd jobs in Malaysia, some illegally.
The New York-based Human Rights Watch has described Rela as a vigilante force set up to target foreigners. "A 10-day course and a uniform does not transform anyone into a professional overnight," said Malaysian rights group Aliran. (Gulf News)
***** What a good name Rela is bringing our country internationally! They must be very proud. Malaysia Boleh!
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What does the abbreviation RELA stand for, perhaps it is
Rascals Evading Liability = Arseholes
This half baked untrained vigilantly corps is detrimental to the country, they are a liability and a shameful disgrace. RELA should be immediately disbanded
I have witnessed one of the Rela operations targeting an area frequented by Indonesians and Bangladeshis. These Rela personnel were rough, rude, heavy-handed - all symptoms of people who do not know how to exercise power responsibly.
However, I must say the Rela men I have encountered in other situations e.g. crowd control in normal public functions have been cool and polite, so they are not all like that, or maybe they don't always behave like that.
Disband RELA and replace it with the matrempits of umno youth or the hindu hooligans of MIC youth? E-lek Thanks but no thanks
As there is insufficient police for peace keeping in the country, RELA is sort of 'something is better than nothing' for us.
imagine 500,000 RELA members at their command. imagine thousnads of MAT REMPITS under their disposal. what a handful for those that try to oppose this regime.
aint this sign of a fascist state?
warta tua says there is a shortage of police, this is simply incorrect. Malaysia has a huge number of police per capita, add to them all the manpower of numerous other enforcement agencies, and there must be ample PROVIDED OF COURSE THEY ARE ALL DOING THEIR RESPECTIVE JOBS PROPERLY. RELA should be disbanded as they often behave like a bunch of untrained thugs in uniform.
Once again, another theory has been proven correct,
Give a malay a computer and he will give you a blank look
Give a malay a test-tube and he will suck on it
Give a malay a set of uniform and a whistle and that's about all they will be good at.
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