1997 Toll Hike To Pay ‘Crooks And Bandits’

The ongoing protest over the hefty toll hike in the Klang Valley took on another twist when a former finance minister claimed last night that he was told a hike in 1997 was necessary as the concessionaire had to pay out ‘kickbacks’ to certain individuals.
Anwar Ibrahim, deputy premier and finance minister that year, revealed that a highway concessionaire sought an increase in toll charges in 1997 because the extra money was needed as inducements for unspecified individuals.
Speaking to about 200 National Union of Bank Employees delegates at their first extraordinary delegates conference in Port Dickson, Anwar said the matter was first raised by Works Minister S. Samy Vellu.
Anwar said the Treasury later found that there were no justification for the toll increase sought.
“He (Samy) still said it was important to increase (the toll charges), and I told him that he should resign (from cabinet) and go work for the company (instead),” said Anwar.
Following this, a ‘Tan Sri’ from the company sought an appointment with Anwar to appeal against the refusal to allow the toll hike.
Anwar said he calculated the cost of running the highway with the ‘Tan Sri’ and realised that its operating cost included paying inducements to certain individuals.
“This ‘Tan Sri’ said he had to pay! Pay leaders and their families from Perlis to Johor,” he said.
“(So I said to the ‘Tan Sri’) you pay these rotten crooks and bandits, you give them million of ringgit. And you expect me [minister of finance] to sign (the documents), so that the poor workers, teachers, farmers fork out the money for you to pay those crooks?” Anwar added.
Controversial trial date
Anwar claimed he refused to sign the documents allowing the toll increase. Subsequently after his sacking in September 1998, the documents were signed by the government and toll rates for the unspecified highway was increased a month later, he said. He said he had made the matter public before, but there had been no investigations into the matter.
Anwar, who is Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor, also condemned the decision to hold the murder trial of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu until March 2008.
“It’s to make sure that you don’t hear it until after the (next general) election. This is a murder case, not a political case. If Malaysians are condoning corruption to murder, then we are condemning ourselves to hell,” he said.
He warned that the world was watching the case closely, the Mongolian government and Parliament in particular.
***** Whew!! Now that is quite a bombshell! I wonder what Samy Vellu has to say to all this. If it is true then Sam had better resign pronto as he has stabbed the citizens of this country in their collective backs by supporting toll increases all for the sake of a few cronies. Shame on all the so-called leaders involved in this mass deception.
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Labels: Corrupt Government
samy should have gone long long ago as he has hold on to the post for too bloody long; if he is not CORRUPT, who is???
Hmmm, why would I want to believe anwar. He was unceremoniously dismissed and dumped and jailed. He has a score to setlle with UMNO/Govt..
He is now an advisor to an opposition party. Ofcourse I wouldnt expect him to say nice things about anybody in the government or the government itself. How can anybody believes what he says? he can says anything. WE WANT PROOF!
p/s: If I am not mistaken, the increase of toll charges is automatic for certain highway tolls. Only recent conssessions are not given this right. Since the article didnt mention which highway, I am assuming that we are talking about old conssessions where the increase is automatic. NOw why would the tan sri wants to discuss it with the former MOF when he was in power? BTW, when he disclosed that the toll increase was to pay leaders, HE WASNT ONE HUH?
On the trial date, an opposition will always oppose and say all sort of things! even when the judge had explain why the date was chosen.
cant agree more. need some proof and who is the tan sri? guess he cant name based on hearsay and in the process open to suits.
what more can we say about all the lopsided contracts and ordinary rakyat like us have to suffer while the tan sris are laughing all the way to the banks. it is in this Bolehland country that ministers can still stay on their jobs despite all this. they have no sense of morality, do they.
At least this time ,I can't agree more than what Warrior2 said..
But what tickles my mind is that,Anwar is raising this issue at this moment.A moment after he has been sacked,jailed,hunted,taunted and even some say sodomized...
When the Tan Sri (if it was true) consulted him,as a dutiful servant of the Government,'Rakyat' and the God he should have raised and apprehended that issue at that moment itself..
He should have broke the silence at that time ,not now bringing up issues that is always with a saying concurrent to him..'I know about it during my term as MOF and DPM,but I tried to halt them,but they brought me down and implemented it when I was not around...and I'm not involved in any of them...'
Are we having buds in our brain..Mr.Anwar...??
A famous phrase encodes his action...
"Menangguk di Air Yang Keruh"
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