Saturday, February 03, 2007

Zam's Unabashed Critique About Unresourceful Malay Teenagers.

Social constraints contrary to Islam Hadhari (Civilisational Islam) have rendered Malay teenagers to be less resourceful, Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin said. He said restrictions on some matters which the Malays cannot do and have become synonomous with the Malay community, have stifled their progress, thus making them to lag behind.

"The social obstacles, preventing them from doing this and that, have been a stumbing block to the Malays in various aspects. It has made Malay teenagers to be less resourceful and lack in self-confidence," he told reporters.

Zainuddin cited unresourceful Malays to Malay students who go abroad for further studies. "Malay students who go overseas for further education only mix with the Malay students, they shy away from interacting with students from other countries. Also, they speak only in Malay.

"When there are Malay students wanting to befriend students from other nationalities, they are frowned upon and are ridiculed to be boasting by their Malay friends.

"So, when are the Malays going to be proficient in English and acquire the knowledge in various disciplines if they prefer to mingle only with their own race," he asked.

Zainuddin said the social limitations would not exist if the Malay community had a deeper understanding of Islam Hadhari founded on progress and civilisation which the Government was giving strong emphasis now. "If we understand and follow the Islam Hadhari concept, which exhorts Muslims to progress, the various restrictions in the Malay community will be a thing of the past," he said.

The minister said not all the social ills plaguing today's Malay teenagers stemmed from their freedom to mix freely but also to the various constraints in the community.

"I see the social ills among Malay teenagers, widely talked-about today, are not caused by their free mixing among boys and girls, but are due to too many restrictions we imposed on them," he added.

***** I think that Zam has made an honest attempt to explore the real reasons for the unresourceful nature of some of the young ones. His candid explanation deserves to be commended. But how does one overcome decades of conditioned practice? Any smart ideas?

Image - phalinn



Blogger toni's blog said...


step 1 be honest, stop being hypocrites
step 2 learn from other resourceful races
step 3 go to step 1 again & again

6:23 PM GMT+8  
Blogger mob1900 said...

Pot calling the Kettle black?
Look at your own leadership,
This is an 'obligatory bashing' statement by ZAM to sway public opinion he's a spin-doctor-lah.

I knew some Bumis who are hard-working and free from 'crutches'. NEP is only for the small number of AMNO-Elites like ZAM. The rest can try and FIGHT for that scrap they released out in the open.

8:01 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

step 1. Stop all subsidies and preferential treatment. They make the Malays dependent on subsidies and special treatment, and hence less confident.

step 2. Learn from the other races.

step 3. Don't clamour for special treatment when the going gets tough. No one ever says it is an easy world out there.

Take pride in your achievements rather than wait to see what the government dishes out to you.

10:19 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the Malay really criticize those who mix with others often? I doubt it. I believe Malay feel uncomfortable mixing with others for a range of reasons.

1) Their religious upbringing that imposes things like halal rules, public relationship between men and women, alcohol, etc. means that there is many things they don't have in common with others that don't make them comfortable.

2) The lack of individualism and high dependency mindset means that they don't feel comfortable around groups where they are a minority or alone.

I don't think its social constraint but social convention which is too explosive a mindfield to get into..

8:21 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zam, pi minum air zamzam dari tandas tu

11:57 AM GMT+8  

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